Research Programme
- Research Programme
- Industrial Structure, Performance, and Policies
- Corporate Governance and Industrial Financing
- Leveraging MSMEs and Start-ups for Industrial Transformation
- Globalization, FDI, and Trade
- Technology, Innovation, and Industry 4.0
- Green Industrialization Strategy
- Employment and Labour Markets
- Spatial Dimensions of Industrial Development and Industrial Infrastructure
- Sectoral Studies on Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing

Industrial Structure, Performance, and Policies
Development typically involves diversification of the economic structure from the one dominated by primary activities like agriculture to the sectors with greater labour productivity such as industry and services of progressively greater complexity. The Indian economy has witnessed a dramatic transformation with the share of agriculture in GDP coming down to 15 percent from 50 percent over the past decades while that of services going up to 60 percent. This service-oriented structural transformation, has been able to absorb only 26 percent of the workforce in services, leaving agriculture and allied activities to sustain nearly half of the workforce. The neglect of manufacturing (whose share in GDP stagnates around 16 percent) to underpin the structural transformation has cost the country dearly in terms of creating decent jobs directly and through its extensive backward and forward linkages. India is now trying to catch up with industrialization through the Make in India programme that has been further reinforced by the Atamnirbhar Bharat campaign launched in 2020 to accelerate recovery of the economy in the aftermath of the pandemic. ISID research under this broad theme analyses the emerging policies, patterns of structural transformation and industrial organization, and industrial performance.
- Projects
- Events
- Working Papers
- Policy Briefs
- Books/Monographs
- Journal Articles
- Newspaper/Web Articles
Make in India: An Assessment of the Impact of the Programme on Six Manufacturing Sectors
The Make in India programme was launched in 2014 with the objective of increasing the share of the manufacturing sector in the GDP by facilitating investment, both domestic and foreign, into the industrial sector; fostering innovation; building best-in-class infrastructure; developing industrial clusters; and making India a hub of manufacturing, design, and innovation while giving due emphasis to decarbonisation for a sustainable socio-economic development. As part of this programme, the Government of India has taken various measures to encourage manufacturing and investment such as the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes, improving ease of doing business, reduction in corporate tax, FDI reforms, quality control measures, development of industrial clusters, local content requirements and public procurement orders. This study aims to analyse the impact of the Make in India programme in six manufacturing sectors, i.e., pharmaceuticals, textiles and garments, steel, solar PV modules, fertilizers, and toys. It will make specific recommendations in each of the six sectors with a view to enhance the impact of the Make in India programme on the manufacturing sector of India. The project team consists of.
Research Team: Dr Reji K Joseph, Dr Anjali Tandon, Dr Beena Saraswathy, Dr Ramaa Arun Kumar, DrSangeeta Ghosh and Dr Seenaiah Kale
Collaboration: ICSSR
Status: [Ongoing], project launched in September 2023; time frame: March 2024.
Public Sector Enterprises and Industrial Development
According to National Accounts Statistics (NAS), public sector currently contributes about a quarter of GDP in India. Given this universe of India’s public sector undertakings (PSUs), the current debate on the role of public sector in India deserves a closer look. Gleaning through the historical trajectory of policy perspectives since independence until the current phase of market-driven reforms, we see a marked shift in the assigned role of public sector in the Indian economy. Once considered to be the “temples of modern India,” the role of public sector was premised on the context of nation-building after independence. The paradigmatic shift suggested reforms specific to public sector: free entry of private sector firms in industries reserved for public sector enterprises (PSEs), disinvestment of government shareholdings and listing PSEs in stock exchanges with associated requirement of changes in governance structure, withdrawing budgetary support from ‘sick’ PSEs, and encouraging retrenchment of labour to attain commercial viability. In this changed context, PSEs are put to test to assess if they manage to survive the rough weather of competition and get through the standard parameters of efficiency norms. The project reviews and examines the continued relevance of PSEs in India and ways and means to enhance their efficiency and competitiveness to harness their potential and role in the industrial transformation of the country. The first output of the project has been reported in ISID Working Paper #264.
Research Team: Dr Satyaki Roy
Collaboration: ICSSR
Status: [Ongoing], project launched in 2022-23; time frame: 24 months
Explaining the Conundrum of Service-led Growth in India: Changing Composition of Demand and Income Distribution
The study investigates a significant question regarding the structural changes India has undergone over the past few decades. India has experienced service-led growth with a relatively low share of manufacturing compared to advanced economies during their industrialisation. However, this trend of early service-led growth is not unique to India but appears to be a common feature among many developing countries in recent years. This study provides insights by empirically analysing trends and patterns in the consumption expenditure of the average Indian household over the past few decades, which may help explain the service-led growth. It also highlights how gaps in consumption expenditure across regions and consumption quartiles have narrowed over the years, while a large portion of average consumption expenditure is allocated to services. Meanwhile, the share of expenditure on durable and semi-durable goods remains very low. The study emphasises a shift in the boundaries between discretionary and non-discretionary expenditure over time, driven primarily by rising per capita income, changes in labour use and dietary habits, increased aspirations for upward mobility across classes, and a reduction in public provisioning of certain services, leading to higher private spending on medical services, education, and communication.
In March 2024, Dr Satyaki Roy, Associate Professor, ISID, submitted his report to ICSSR.
The study spanned from April 2022 to March 2024.
Fostering India’s Industrial Transformation: The India Industrial Development Report (IIDR) 2022-23
The IIDR would be the first in a new series of biennial flagship reports launched by ISID, to mark the India@75. It would draw upon in-house analytical work, wide-ranging consultations with noted experts, and policy discussions to build a compelling narrative on criticality, opportunities, challenges, and policy reforms needed for industrial transformation of India at the current juncture of its development trajectory as it seeks to emerge not only as one of the biggest economies in the world, but one that is also a global leader in inclusive and sustainable development. While drawing lessons from the experiences of the successful industrializers of the West and the East in terms of strategic interventions deployed, it would also be cognizant of local specificities and initial conditions besides the changed external context that has turned less benign with recent trends of protectionism, stalled multilateral trade negotiations and the global slow down following the COVID pandemic. In support of the Make-in-India and Aatmanirbhar Bharat programmes, the Report will identify the opportunities of creating decent job opportunities for India’s youthful workforce through empowering MSMEs, providing an enabling framework to budding entrepreneurs and start-ups, improving the quality of FDI inflows, and unleashing the large national champions to emerge as competitive players on the global markets through leveraging technology, including the Industry 4.0. It would also present scenarios on alternative industrial structures in terms of job creation and economic growth, developed in the framework of computable general equilibrium models. It will also offer analysis and thoughts on green industrialization to enable India to contribute to the global sustainability targets. It will be backed by extensive policy advocacy through high-level policy dialogues, popular columns, and social media.
Research Team: Prof Nagesh Kumar and the entire faculty.
Collaborator: ICSSR
Status: [Ongoing], project launched in 2022-23; time frame: 18 months.
Measuring the Changes in Factor Proportions vis-à-vis Factor Endowments of the Indian Economy – An Inter-temporal Study
The significance of factor endowments due to predictable effects on the industry structure mandates due consideration in formulating the industrial and trade policy. In the backdrop of the changing use of factors of production, namely labour and capital, and also the change in their relative use, the study provides estimates of factor ratios, factor proportions, and factor endowments over a period of time, covering more than two decades of economic liberalisation in the Indian economy. The computational emphasis has been to widen the measurement scope with improved precision. Using a combination of techniques, the research study attempts to sharpen the existing understanding of the structural relationship of the factors of production. The main contribution of this work is in the (i) parallel analysis on organised manufacturing, unorganised manufacturing, and unorganised services, and (ii) simultaneous consideration of capital and labour endowments. The research project is sponsored under IMPRESS, an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Government of India and implemented by the ICSSR. Dr Anjali Tandon is the project director.
Changing Business Group Strategies in India: An Inquiry from the Lens of Mergers and Acquisition
There have been apprehensions on the disproportionate holding of wealth by the top business houses in India during the post-independence period. Such ownership of wealth not only provides business power, but also economic power. Drastic regulatory changes occurred during this period. Currently, competition assessment is based on narrowly defined markets and quantifiable evidence with political and social repercussions that are generally ignored despite the fact that economic power is at the heart of antitrust. This study found that the top business groups still control a major portion of output and profit. Their involvement in M&As is substantial, which has resulted in capacity and market expansion, and vertical linkages. From the policy point of view, apart from the general implications of M&As reflected in market shares and market competition, the synergy derived through ownership is important in efficiently utilising the resources under a common umbrella of business. This will not be reflected when competition is assessed in narrowly-defined markets. The study was sponsored by the ICSSR. Dr Beena Saraswathy was the project director.
Industrial Trade and Investment Policies: Pathways to India’s Industrialisation
The objective of the research project was to (i) identify continuities and departures in India’s production pattern, investment and employment trends, degree of engagement through trade, FDI and technology assimilation, and the status of infrastructure and human capabilities; and (ii) comprehend an industrialisation strategy given the constraints and emerging opportunities.
The report is organised in four sections. Section I deals with structural issues, and consists of six chapters. These present structural changes in the organised manufacturing sector, developments in the large private corporate sector, competition and concentration, implications of financial liberalisation on industrial finance, and issues relating to adoption of Industry 4.0. Five chapters in Section II analyse the developments in external trade with specific reference to competitiveness, import intensity, domestic value addition, trade agreements and India’s participation in global production network. Foreign direct investments and technology transfer are the subject matter of the four chapters in Section III. The last section deals with regional development issues with focus on spatial distribution of workers, SEZs, and industrial corridors. Based on the evidence generated, each chapter presents suggestions for addressing the lacunae in the industrial, trade, and investment policies that have been followed so far, towards strengthening India’s industrial development efforts. The ICSSR sponsored study was undertaken by a team of the Institute’s faculty with Prof M R Murty as the programme director and Prof T P Bhat as the co-director.
The programme consisted of the following papers:
- Economic Reforms and Market Competition in India: An Assesment, Dr Beena Saraswathy
- Import Intensity of India’s Manufactured Exports – An Industry Level Analysis, Dr Mahua Paul and Dr Ramaa Arun Kumar
- India and Industry 4.0, Prof T P Bhat
- Industrial Structure, Financial Liberalisation, and Industrial Finance in India, Dr Santosh Kumar Das
- Outward FDI from India: Review of Policy and Emerging Trends, Dr Reji K Joseph
- Review of Industrial and Development Corridors in India, Prof H Ramachandran
- Special Economic Zones: Location and Land Utilisation, Dr Surya Tewari
- Structural Asymmetry in Global Production Network: An Empirical Exploration, Dr Satyaki Roy
- Foreign Direct Investment and Innovation Activities in Indian Manufacturing Industries, Dr Sanjaya Kumar Malik
- Inbound M&A in India: Issues and Challenges, Prof K S Chalapati Rao and Prof Biswajit Dhar
- Impact of Preferential Trade Liberalisation on India’s Manufacturing Sector Trade Performance: An Analysis of India’s Major Trade Agreements, Dr Smitha Francis
- Is Domestic Value Addition a Source of Export Sophistication: A Case Study of India, Dr Anjali Tandon
- Liberalisation, Structural Change and Productivity Growth in Indian Organised Manufacturing Sector, Dr R Rijesh
- Non-Financial Private Corporate Sector and India’s Manufacturing Sector: A Comparative Study of Domestic and Foreign Companies, Prof M R Murty and Prof K V K Ranganathan
- Outward FDI as a Strategy for Technology Catch-Up: A Case Study of Two Indian Automotive Firms, Dr Reji K Joseph
- Spatial Distribution of Workers in Manufacturing India – 1991 and 2011, Prof H Ramachandran and Priyanka Tiwari
- Strengthening Export Competitiveness through Domestic Policies, Dr Ramaa Arun Kumar and Prof Biswajit Dhar
- Technology Transfer through FDI in India: Mode, Extent, and Prospects, Dr Swati Verma.
Import and Performance of Indian Manufacturing Firms: Empirical Analysis
The objective of the study was to examine the impact of firm import on manufacturing output based on company-level data from Prowess IQ database. The selected manufacturing firms were distributed across capital goods, intermediate goods and consumer goods manufacturing firms. The firms, as a whole, comprise an unbalanced panel of 1707 firms and balanced panel of 570 firms. The empirical analysis is carried across the use-based product firms during the period 2000–2017. The trend analysis reveals a significant increase in imports across all manufacturing firms. The intermediate goods-producing firms, which have the largest sample size in terms of a larger share in the use of production inputs including R&D, were found to be the largest consumers of imported inputs from abroad. The largest imported items were raw materials followed by capital goods and finished goods. This indicates the growing demand for imported inputs by the Indian manufacturing sectors. In terms of annual growth rates, most of the production indicators show double-digit growth rates. However, the period- wise analysis indicated a slowdown in manufacturing in terms of sales, wages, import, etc., since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. The panel regression based on Fixed Effects revealed a significant positive impact of imports on firm output.
A comparative analysis across groups also revealed that the intermediate sectors largely benefited from imported inputs. Among all groups, there was strong evidence of a significant positive impact of raw materials on firm output in recent decades. Moreover, the internal technological capability, in terms of domestic R&D, was found to have a positive impact on output. Thus, the results validated the presence of dynamic gains from international trade on Indian manufacturing firms since liberalisation. The study was part of a research project titled “India’s Import from China: An Analysis of Impact on Indian Manufacturing Sector,” sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India to Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi. The project report is submitted in March 2019. Dr. R. Rijesh was the Principal Researcher.
Liberalisation, Technology Import and Industrial Development: A Study of Organised Manufacturing Sector in India
This study examined the nature and impact of technology import on Indian manufacturing using firm level data. The basic objective was to examine the impact of technology import in the form of embodied (capital goods) and disembodied (foreign exchange spent on royalties, technical fees, licencing, etc.) on manufacturing output, productivity and exports, during 1995–2016. The empirical estimation is based on panel regression analysis for the overall manufacturing as well as four use-based classifications of industries. The study reported evidence of dynamic gains in manufacturing from the import of technology. The study was sponsored by the ICSSR and the final report was submitted to the Council in November 2018. Dr. R. Rijesh was the Principal Researcher.
Emerging Patterns of Outsourcing and Contracting in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in India: Implications for Industrial Upgrading
The pharmaceutical industry’s structure is changing due to the impact of pathways chosen by the firms for global integration of the industry. The study sought to understand the nature of emerging constellations of interactions between large and small firms in the area of manufacturing of bulk drugs and formulations. The broad objectives of the study are:
- To determine the relationship and nature of foreign and domestic firms with small firms through the channels of outsourcing, contracting, takeovers and integration into a global pharmaceutical production and innovation networks and the implications for learning innovation and competence building.
- Contribution of outsourcing and contracting in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals to technology transfer and upgrading of capabilities;
- Role played by the policies for regulation of FDI, price control, competition, cluster upgrading, public procurement, R&D support, intellectual property protection, standards of drug approval, quality control, clinical trials, etc.
Field investigations were carried out to study the implications for the processes of capability building for production, operations and manufacturing innovation of the emerging practices of large foreign and domestic firms. The two-year study was sponsored by the ICSSR. The draft report was completed in November 2017 and Final Report was submitted to the ICSSR in January 2018. Prof. Dinesh Abrol was the Project Coordinator.
Imperialism and the New World Order: Departures and Continuities
The study includes various aspects of the current phase of neoliberal globalisation and the way it resembles the idea of imperialism. The paper, as part of the larger study, is primarily looking into how theories of imperialism changed over time and the socio-historical perspectives that caused conceptual departures. Starting from liberal theories to that of Marxian tradition the paper underlines the historically contingent nature of the idea of imperialism. It informs the theoretical continuities and departures in the notion of imperialism, especially in the context of the present state of deterritorialized and decentered capitalism. The asymmetries and division of world have become far more complex than what it was in the early twentieth century and the study aims to capture the emerging complexities of global hierarchy. The study is part of the ICSSR research programme “A Multi-Dimensional Study of Imperial Order and its Journey towards Neoliberal Imperialism under Globalisation” and is being undertaken by Dr Satyaki Roy; the draft report was completed in March 2014.
Employment in India’s Economic Development: Approaches, Policies and Performance
Employment has found a place among the major objectives in the development agenda for India right from the initiation of development planning. During the initial two decades of planning, employment was seen both as a way to utilize labour for development and to prevent emergence of unemployment. Employment was seen as a corollary of economic growth. Economy, however, grew at a lower rate than envisaged and labour force grew at a higher rate than projected. An effort was, therefore, made in mid-1970s, to introduce an employment-orientation in the pattern of growth by laying special emphasis on employment intensive sectors. Also, special programmes of self-employment and short-term wage employment in public works were introduced.
With the availability of comprehensive data from the NSSO surveys, periodical assessment of the extent and trends of employment and unemployment became possible and was attempted in each of the Five Year Plan documents starting with the latter half of 1970s. But the fact that employment needs to be included as a concrete goal of development planning was, however, recognized in mid-1980s when employment targeting was included as part of the plan exercise. The exercise was reviewed over the next decade.
Starting with the 1980’s, the Indian economy moved to a higher growth path and the trend was further strengthened with the introduction of economic reforms in 1991. It was higher growth that was, by and large, to be relied upon for achieving the employment objective. However, the experience of the 1990’s belied all expectations. A renewed urgency to bring employment back into focus formed the basis of a new approach to employment in the Tenth Plan (2002-2007). By the middle of the first decade of the new millennium it seemed that expectations regarding growth of employment were more or less fulfilled and that employment may not pose such a great challenge. However, the prospects of employment generation seem to have been overestimated as they were based on elasticities observed in recent past which were suspected to reflect a rather ‘spurious’ growth of employment.
Further, the outcomes of planner’s efforts to incorporate employment in growth strategy have largely been disappointing in the Indian case. Though employment growth has taken place, it is of poor quality in terms of productivity and income. As a result, employment growth has not always been accompanied by corresponding decline in incidence of poverty. It is in the above context that the study attempts:
- A critical analysis of the approaches to employment in Indian Five Year Plans with a view to examine how far the idea of mainstreaming employment in growth strategy was followed;
- An account and assessment of macro-economic and sectoral policies and special employment programmes in terms of their impact on employment;
- A comprehensive account of the growth of employment over the last four decades in sectors, sub sectors and rural-urban location;
- An analysis of the dynamics of qualitative and structural dimensions of employment in terms of sectoral composition, and employment status categories and organised-unorganised segments; and,
- Development of a framework for an employment-oriented growth strategy and policy interventions required for it.
The report was prepared and submitted to ICSSR under the National Fellowship Programme by Prof. T.S. Papola in July 2013.
- Special Lecture on the Financial Sector, Macro Economy and Macroeconomics, March 27, 2025
- Distinguished Person Lecture on Industrial Policy, Green Transformation, and the Rise of the Global South in the 21st Century, August 9, 2024
- ISID Foundation Day Lecture on “Thoughts on India’s Industrial Transformation” by Dr Naushad Forbes, Co-Chairman, Forbes Marshall, October 6, 2023
- ISID Foundation Day Lecture on “Industrial Strategy for the Post-Pandemic Era” by Gerd Müller, DG-UNIDO, May 25, 2022
- Professor S K Goyal Memorial Lecture on “Financing for Development” by Mr N K Singh, October 26, 2021
- Special Lecture on the Financial Sector, Macro Economy and Macroeconomics, March 27, 2025
- Research Seminar on Is India Deindustrializing Prematurely? Trends in Manufacturing Share in GDP, March 7, 2025
- Research Seminar on Wage-led Revival of Indian Manufacturing, January 31, 2025
- Research Seminar on Building Bridges: Exploring Firm Performance and Firm Distress Using Inductive Analysis, October 29, 2024
- Research Seminar on India’s Stalled Path of Structural Transformation: What Went Wrong?, July 12, 2024
- Research Seminar on Working of Patents in India: Opportunities and Challenges, June 7, 2024
- Brainstorming on Structural Transformation in India: Evidence and prospects of role of manufacturing, February 23, 2024
- Research Seminar on Public Sector Performance in India and the Ongoing Contestation between Efficiency and Equity, November 30, 2023
- Research Seminar on Unlocking India’s Regional Potential for Development, July 7, 2023
- ISID Research Workshop, March 31, 2023
- Research Seminar on Effective Rate of Protection and Inverted Duty Structure, January 27, 2023
- Research Seminar on Global Value Chains and Productivity in Indian Manufacturing, January 13, 2023
- Research Seminar on Drivers of Investment in Indian Manufacturing, December 2, 2022
- Research Seminar on Manufacturing Productivity and India’s Economic Growth: An Analysis based on KLEMS Database, November 18, 2022
- Research Seminar on Industrial Policy and COVID-19 Vaccine Production: Policy Lessons from Experiences of India and the US, October 28, 2022
- Policy Roundtable on Mission-Oriented Industrial Policy Making for Successful Structural Transformation: Lessons for India, September 30, 2022
- Webinar on Public Policy and Inclusive Innovation: Lessons from Indian Experience, August 26, 2022
- ISID Webinar on Inter-State Disparities in Industrialisation In India, July 29, 2022
- Webinar on the Complementarity between the Formal and Informal Sub-Sectors of the Indian Industry, July 15, 2022
- Webinar on Exports and Growth in Indian Manufacturing, June 24, 2022
- Webinar on “Measuring the Changes in Factor Proportions vis-à-vis Factor Endowments of the Indian Economy – An Inter-temporal Study” by Dr Anjali Tandon, June 23, 2021
- Harnessing India’s Manufacturing Potential: A discussion on ISID’s India Industrial Development Report 2024-25, February 27, 2025
- India-Korea Policy Dialogue on Deepening of India-Korea Economic Partnership in the Context of Supply Chain Restructuring, December 19, 2024
- CUTS-ISID Panel Discussion on World Competition Day 2024, December 5, 2024
- ISID Working Group on Industrial Strategy (WGIS), June 20, 2024
- Policy Roundtable on Catch-up Strategies for the Late-industrialisers: Lessons from Korean Experiences, March 4, 2024
- CUTS-ISID Panel Discussion on World Competition Day 2023, December 5, 2023
- KIET-ISID-PRI-IITD-KRI ASIA Industry Forum 2023, November 21, 2023
- ISID-CTIER Policy Roundtable on MNC R&D Centres in India, July 20, 2023
- ISID, UNU-WIDER Policy Roundtable on Industrialisation, Inequalities, and Inclusive Development: Lessons from Global Experiences, February 24, 2023
- Policy Roundtable on Mission-Oriented Industrial Policy Making for Successful Structural Transformation: Lessons for India, September 30, 2022
- ISID Foundation Day Lecture on “Industrial Strategy for the Post-Pandemic Era” by Gerd Müller, DG-UNIDO, May 25, 2022
- Panel Discussion on India’s Industrial Policy and Performance, May 12, 2022
- Policy Roundtable on Industrialisation for Employment and Growth in India, January 28, 2022
- Professor S K Goyal Memorial Lecture on “Financing for Development” by Mr N K Singh, October 26, 2021
- National Conference on ‘India’s Industrialization: How to Overcome the Stagnation?’ in association with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), December 19, 2019
- Two-day National Conference on WTO, FTAs and Investment Treaties: Implications for Development Policy Space, September 22, 2015
- Firms’ R&D Activities in Indian Organised Manufacturing Sector: Are Tech-SMEs Different?, Shailender Kumar, WP285, October 2024
- Can India Achieve Manufacturing-led Growth? Exploring Policy Strategies Using CGE Modelling Analysis, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, WP283, March 2024
- Harnessing the Potential of Sustainable Industrialization in South Asia: Some Policy Lessons for Advancing SDG-9, Nagesh Kumar, WP275, December 2023
- Manufacturing-led Transformation for Realizing India’s Development Aspirations in the Context of a Fractured Trading System: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategic Interventions, Nagesh Kumar, WP270, October 2023
- Manufacturing Productivity in Indian States: The Role of Infrastructure, Agglomeration, and Exports, Mahua Paul, WP268, September 2023
- R&D behaviour of Indian Firms: A Case of High-tech Manufacturing, Seenaiah Kale, WP266, March 2023
- Competitive Manufacturing as a Driver of India’s Next Economic Transformation: Opportunities, Potential, and Policies, Nagesh Kumar, WP259, December 2022
- India’s Unbalanced Industrial Development: Possible Explanations for Inter-State Variations, WP257, December 2022
- Exports and Growth in Indian Manufacturing: An Econometric Analysis, WP247, June 2022
- Product Market Concentration with Ownership Characteristics: An Exploration into the Consolidation Activities of Business Groups, Beena Saraswathy, WP245, March 2022
- Indian Economy@75 Achievements, Gaps, and Aspirations for the Indian Centenary, Nagesh Kumar, WP244, March 2022
- Related party Trade and Transfers to Tax Havens: A Study of Select Manufacturing Foreign Subsidiaries in India, Swati Verma, WP242, January 2022
- Reducing Import Dependence on APIs in the Indian Pharmaceuticals Sector: An Analysis of Early Experience of the PLI Phase-I Scheme, Reji K. Joseph, Ramaa Arun Kumar, WP239, December 2021
- Growth, Diversification and Upgrading of India’s Export Structure: Lessons from an Analysis of Post Reforms Period, WP238, November 2021
- SME related provisions in Free Trade Agreements – A Comparison of India’s Strategic Focus, Anjali Tandon, WP237, October 2021
- Emerging Trends in the Operation of Business Groups in India: A Post Reform Period Analysis, Beena Saraswathy, WP236, September 2021
- Spatial Distribution of Workers in Manufacturing India – 1991 and 2011, WP228, September 2020, WP228, September 2020
- Inbound M&As in India: Issues and Challenges, WP226, July 2020
- Industrial Structure, Financial Liberalisation and Industrial Finance in India, WP219, January 2020, Santosh Kumar Das, WP219, January 2020
- Economic Reforms and Market Competition in India: An Assessment, Beena Saraswathy, WP216, December 2019
- Industry Level Analysis of Productivity Growth under Market Imperfections, Ramaa Arun Kumar, Mahua Paul, WP207, March 2019
- Understanding NPAs in Indian Banks: An Analysis of the Role of Banks and Corporate Sector, Santosh Kumar Das, WP201, March 2018
- Dimensions of NPAs in Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks, Santosh Kumar Das, WP200, March 2018
- Demonetisation: Macroeconomic Implications for Indian Economy, Santosh Kumar Das, WP197, February 2017
- Contractionary Fiscal Policy and Public Investment: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Regional Growth Dynamics in India, Santosh Kumar Das, WP195, October 2016
- An Analysis of Foreign Acquisitions in India’s Manufacturing Sector, Beena Saraswathy, WP193, August 2016
- Impact of Mergers on Competition in the Indian Manufacturing: An Assessment, Beena Saraswathy, WP188, March 2016
- Industrial Finance in the Era of Financial Liberalization in India: Exploring Some Structural Issues, Santosh Kumar Das, WP186, December 2015
- Manufacturing Strategy in a Changing Context, WP176, December 2014
- Industrial Policy: Its Relevance and Currency, WP174, December 2014
- INDIA: Structural Changes in the Manufacturing Sector and Growth Prospect, WP173, December 2014
- Towards Employment Augmenting Manufacturing Growth, Satyaki Roy, WP168, September 2014
- FDI into India’s Manufacturing Sector via M&As: Trends and Composition, WP161, February 2014
- Growth and Structure of the Services Sector in India, WP160, February 2014
- Unemployment in an Era of Jobless Growth, WP159, January 2014
- Currency Concerns under Uncertainty: Case of China, WP153, March 2013
- Structural Characteristics of the Large Indian Private Corporate Sector in the Post-Liberalisation Period, WP152, February 2013
- Growth and Structural Changes in Indian Industries, WP151, February 2013
- Economic Growth and Employment Linkages: The Indian Experience, WP150, January 2013
- Employment Growth in the Post-Reform Period, WP149, December 2012
- Estimation of Private Investment in Manufacturing Sector and Determinants in Indian States, WP148, November 2012
- Social Exclusion and Discrimination in the Labour Market, WP146, September 2012
- Structural Changes in the Indian Economy: Emerging Patterns and Implications, WP144, June 2012
- Managing Global Financial Flows at the Cost of National Autonomy: China and India, WP143, March 2012
- High Non-Wage Employment in India: Revisiting the ‘Paradox’ in Capitalist Development, Satyaki Roy, WP142, December 2011
- Trends and Patterns in Consumption Expenditure: A Review of Class and Rural-Urban Disparities, Satyaki Roy, WP141, October 2011
- The Global Crisis and the Remedial Actions: A Non-Mainstream Perspective, WP140, May 2011
- On the Sustainability of India’s Non-Inclusive High Growth, WP137, December 2010
- Indian Capitalism: A Case That Doesn’t Fit?, WP135, November 2010
- Big Business and Economic Nationalism in India, WP134, September 2010
- The Arduous Route to Ensuring Some Minimum Public Shareholding in Listed Companies, WP132, June 2010
- Managing Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case of India, WP131, June 2010
- Private Industry and the Second Five Year Plan: The Mundhra Episode as exemplar of Capitalist Myopia, WP129, May 2010
- Trading in India’s Commodity Future Markets, Mahua Paul, WP128, February 2010
- Industry and Services in Growth and Structural Change in India: Some Unexplored Features, WP127, January 2010
- Does the Current Global Crisis remind us of the Great Depression?, WP126, January 2010
- Global Financial Crisis: A Classic ‘Ponzi’ Affair?, Wp123, December 2008
- The Analysis of Business Groups: Some Observations with reference to India, WP122, December 2008
- Surajit Mazumdar, Investment and Growth in India under Liberalization: Asymmetries and Instabilities, WP118, March 2008
- Surajit Mazumdar, Crony Capitalism and India: Before and After Liberalization,, WP115, March 2008
- Satyaki Roy, Structural Change in Employment in India since 1980s: How Lewisian is it?,, WP116, March 2008
- Atulan Guha, Exchange Rate Movement of Developing Countries: An Alternative Theoretical Framework,, WP114, February 2008
- Crony Capitalism: Caricature or Category?, WP113, February 2008
- Trends and Patterns of Overseas Acquisitions by Indian Multinationals, WP111, October 2007
- THE INDIAN STOCK MARKET IN 2005–06 An Examination of Two Major Events, WP100, October 2006
- Ownership Pattern of the Indian Corporate Sector: Implications for Corporate Governance, WP099, September 2006
- Indian Stock market: 2004-05–Some Issues, WP090, April 2006
- Emerging Structure of Indian Economy: Implications of Growing Inter-sectoral Imbalances, WP088, May 2005
- Potential Impact of Supply-side Actions, WP87, July 2004
- Is Growth Sans Industrialisation Sustainable? ISID Foundation Day Lecture, WP085, May 2004
- Labour: Down and Out, A special Issue on India Shining, A Seminar, 537, WP084, May 2004
- A Challenge for Social Scientist, Young Indian, WP079, January 2004
- Foreign Portfolio Investments and the Indian Stock Market Boom of 2003-04: A Note, ISID, WP078, January 2004
- Wavelet Analysis of the Bombay Stock Exchange Index, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol. 18, No. 1, WP077, January 2004
- Company Size and Effective Corporate Tax Rate: A Study on Indian Private Manufacturing Companies, WP076, January 2004
- Cost of Public Holidays, WP071, October 2003
- Asymmetrics in Interest Rate Sensitivity of Capital Flows: Some Empirical Evidences, WP069, September 2003
- Collapse of Cancum Meet, Young Indian, WP068, September 2003
- Free-float Sensex is Better Index, WP067, August 2003
- IRAQ: Some Serious Concerns, Editorial in Man & Development, WP065, March 2003
- An Overview of the Indian Stock Market with Emphasis on Ownership Pattern of Listed Companies, published as ‘Stock Market’ in Alternative Survey Group, Alternative Economic Survey: 2001-2002, WP064, December 2002
- Stock Market, published in ‘Alternative Economic Survey 2000-01’, Alternative Survey Group, WP063, July 2001
- Washington Consensus And India: Experience Of The Last Decade, WP062, February 2001
- A Reform of Corporate Statistics: Some Suggestions, A Note Submitted to the National Statistical Commission, Central Statistical Organisation, Govt. of India, WP061, October 2000
- Stock Market, WP060, October 2000
- Some Aspects of the Indian Stock Market in the Post-Liberalisation Period, WP059, December 1999
- Foreign Institutional Investments and the Indian Stock Market, WP058, December 1999
- Policy Processes, WP055, February 1999
- Company Law, WP053, February 1999
- Economic Policies and Indian Development: A Discussion Paper, WP051, April 1997
- T.S. Papola, Structural Changes in the Indian Economy: Emerging Patterns and Implications,, WP144, January 1970
- T.S. Papola, Social Exclusion and Discrimination in the Labour Market,, WP146, January 1970
- T.S. Papola, Employment Growth in the Post-Reform Period,, WP149, January 1970
- T.S. Papola, Economic Growth and Employment Linkages: The Indian Experience,, WP150, January 1970
- T.P. Bhat, INDIA: Structural Changes in the Manufacturing Sector and Growth Prospect, WP173, December 2014, WP173, January 1970
- T.P. Bhat, Growth and Structural Changes in Indian Industries,, WP151, January 1970
- Surajit Mazumdar, The Analysis of Business Groups: Some Observations with reference to India,, WP122, January 1970
- Surajit Mazumdar, On the Sustainability of India’s Non-Inclusive High Growth,, WP137, January 1970
- Surajit Mazumdar, Industry and Services in Growth and Structural Change in India: Some Unexplored Features,, WP127, January 1970
- Surajit Mazumdar, Indian Capitalism: A Case That Doesn’t Fit?,, WP135, January 1970
- Surajit Mazumdar, Big Business and Economic Nationalism in India,, WP134, January 1970
- Sunanda Sen, The Global Crisis and the Remedial Actions: A Non-Mainstream Perspective,, WP141, January 1970
- Sunanda Sen, Managing Global Financial Flows at the Cost of National Autonomy: China and India,, WP143, January 1970
- Sunanda Sen, Managing Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case of India,, WP131, January 1970
- Sunanda Sen, Global Financial Crisis: A Classic ‘Ponzi’ Affair?,, WP123, January 1970
- Sunanda Sen, Does the Current Global Crisis remind us of the Great Depression?,, WP126, January 1970
- Sunanda Sen, Currency Concerns under Uncertainty: Case of China,, WP153, January 1970
- Sunanda Sen and Mahua Paul, Trading in India’s Commodity Future Markets,, WP128, January 1970
- Satyaki Roy, Trends and Patterns in Consumption Expenditure: A Review of Class and Rural-Urban Disparities,, Satyaki Roy, WP141, January 1970
- Satyaki Roy, Towards Employment Augmenting Manufacturing Growth,, Satyaki Roy, WP168, January 1970
- Satyaki Roy, High Non-Wage Employment in India: Revisiting the ‘Paradox’ in Capitalist Development,, Satyaki Roy, WP142, January 1970
- Satyaki Roy, Changing Factor Incomes in Industries and Occupations: Review of Long Term Trends,, Satyaki Roy, WP145, January 1970
- Santosh Kumar Das, Industrial Finance in the Era of Financial Liberalization in India: Exploring Some Structural Issues, WP186, December 2015, Santosh Kumar Das, WP186, January 1970
- Santosh Kumar Das, Contractionary Fiscal Policy and Public Investment: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Regional Growth Dynamics in India, WP195, October 2016, Santosh Kumar Das, WP195, January 1970
- Santosh Kumar Das & Pradyuman Singh Rawat, Understanding NPAs in Indian Banks: An Analysis of the Role of Banks and Corporate Sector, WP201, March 2018, Santosh Kumar Das, WP201, January 1970
- Santosh Kumar Das & Pradyuman Singh Rawat, Dimensions of NPAs in Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks , WP200, March 2018, Santosh Kumar Das, WP200, January 1970
- Santosh Kumar Das & Pradymna Shankar Rawat, Demonetisation: Macroeconomic Implications for Indian Economy, WP197, February 2017, Santosh Kumar Das, WP197, January 1970
- Ramaa Arun Kumar & Mahua Paul, Industry Level Analysis of Productivity Growth under Market Imperfections, WP207, March 2019, Ramaa Arun Kumar, WP207, January 1970
- Nilmadhab Mohanty, Manufacturing Strategy in a Changing Context, WP176, December 2014, WP176, January 1970
- Nasir Tyabji, Private Industry and the Second Five Year Plan: The Mundhra Episode as exemplar of Capitalist Myopia,, WP129, January 1970
- N. Chandra Mohan, Unemployment in an Era of Jobless Growth,, WP159, January 1970
- M.R. Murthy & K.V.K. Ranganathan, Structural Characteristics of the Large Indian Private Corporate Sector in the Post-Liberalisation Period,, WP152, January 1970
- K.S. Chalapati Rao, The Arduous Route to Ensuring Some Minimum Public Shareholding in Listed Companies,, WP132, January 1970
- K.S. Chalapati Rao,, FDI into India’s Manufacturing Sector via M&As: Trends and Composition,, WP161, January 1970
- JesimPais, Growth and Structure of the Services Sector in India,, WP160, January 1970
- Jagannath Mallick, Estimation of Private Investment in Manufacturing Sector and Determinants in Indian States,, WP148, January 1970
- Biswajit Dhar, Professor, CESP, J.N.U., New Delhi, Industrial Policy: Its Relevance and Currency,, WP174, January 1970
- Beena Saraswathy, Impact of Mergers on Competition in the Indian Manufacturing: An Assessment, WP188, March 2016, Beena Saraswathy, WP188, January 1970
- Beena Saraswathy, An Analysis of Foreign Acquisitions in India’s Manufacturing Sector, WP193, August 2016, Beena Saraswathy, WP193, January 1970
- Mission-Oriented Industrial Policy, Ludovico Alcorta, UNU-MERIT and Visiting Faculty, ISID, PBs #24-03, May 2024
- Towards Innovations-Driven Industrial Transformation of India, Naushad Forbes, PBs #23-08, December 2023
- Aligning G20 Industrial Policies with Biodiversity Conservation, PBs #23-04, May 2023
- Industrialisation, Inequalities, and Inclusive Development: Lessons from Global Experiences, PBs #23-03, March 2023
- Envisaging a Post-Pandemic Industrial Strategy for Inclusive and Sustainable Manufacturing Transformation, PBs #22-05, October 2022
- Competitive Manufacturing as a Growth Driver: Some Policy Lessons for India, R C Bhargawa, PB #21-01, June 2021
- Framing India’s Non-Personal Data Framework: Comments on the Draft Report by the Committee of Experts on Non-Personal Data Governance Framework, Smitha Francis, DN2020/14, November 2020
- Has the Search for the Third Shift in Macroeconomics Begun?, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2020/02, March 2020
- An Overview of the Draft Data Protection Bill, 2018, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2018/10, December 2018
- Needs for Updating Tax Rules as the Sharing Economy Shows up, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2018/06, August 2018
- Formalising the Indian Economy on the Wings of Demonetisation, GST and Technology, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2018/02, February 2018
- A Note on FRDI Bill, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2017/11, December 2017
- Inevitable Lay Offs in IT Sector, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2017/04, April 2017
- Changing the Manufacturing Strategy of China Will Minimise the Expectation of Jobs Being Pushed towards Countries like India, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2017/03, March 2017
- Need of a Nationwide Debate on Universal Basic Income for India, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2016/06, December 2016
- Paris Agreement On Climate Change- Signal for the End of Primacy of Fossil Fuels and Ushering in of Era of Internet of Things for Sustainable Economic Growth, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2016/02, March 2016
- Missing out on reference to Sustainable Development Agenda (SDA) from the Agreed Text of Paris UNFCCC, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2016/01, January 2016
- FDI, MSMEs, Digitalization, and Green Industrialization: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Lessons for India,, Editors Nagesh Kumar, Satyaki Roy, March 2025, Editors Nagesh Kumar, Satyaki Roy, March 2025
- India’s Industrial Development Report 2024-25,, ISID, December 2024, ISID, December 2024
- EPW Special Issue on India’s Industrial Transformation,, Guest Editor Nagesh Kumar, August 2024, Guest Editor Nagesh Kumar, August 2024
- INDIA’S ECONOMY 2024: Disparities in Fractured Democracy,, Edited by Satyaki Roy, August 2024, Edited by Satyaki Roy, August 2024
- Labour and Capital Use in Indian Manufacturing: Structural Aspects,, Anjali Tandon, November 2023, Anjali Tandon, November 2023
- Improving India’s Competitiveness for Inclusive Economic Growth: An enabling environment for Samaj, Sarkar and Bazaar to work together,, The White Paper by CUTS, ISID, IFC, July 2022, The White Paper by CUTS, ISID, IFC, July 2022
- Contours of Value Capture: India’s Neoliberal Path of Industrial Development,, Satyaki Roy, October 2020, Satyaki Roy, October 2020
- Industrial Policy Challenges for India: Global Value Chains and Free Trade Agreements,, Smitha Francis, March 2019, Smitha Francis, March 2019
- Measuring Structural Change and Energy Use in Indian Economy: An Input-Output Approach,, Anjali Tandon & Shahid Ahmed, January 2019, Anjali Tandon & Shahid Ahmed, January 2019
- Political Economy of Mining in India, Nilmadhab Mohanty (Ed), Har Anand Publications Pvt Ltd,, , January 2017, January 2017
- India’s Policy Milieu: Economic Development, Planning and Industry, S K Goyal, Academic Foundation, India,, , January 2014, January 2014
- Indian Industrial Development and Globalisation: Essays in Honour of Professor S.K. Goyal, S R Hashim, K S Chalapati Rao, K V K Ranganathan, and M R Murthy, (Eds), Academic Foundation, New Delhi.,, , February 2009, February 2009
- Political Economy of India, Chandra Shekhar, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi,, , April 1992, April 1992
- FDI, MSMEs, Digitalization, and Green Industrialization: Editor’s Introduction, Nagesh Kumar, Satyaki Roy, In: Kumar, N., Roy, S. (eds) FDI, MSMEs, Digitalization, and Green Industrialization. India Studies in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore, March 2025
- Analyzing Technology Aspect of India’s Manufacturing: The Global Context and Future of Work, Anjali Tandon, The Indian Economic Journal, Volume 2-A, Special Issue on Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities before indian Industries, ISSN 0019-4662, December 2024
- Fostering Manufacturing-led Transformation in the Changed External Context: Relevance and Effectiveness of Industrial Policy Interventions, Nagesh Kumar, EPW Special Issue on India's Industrial Transformation, Economics & Political Weekly, Vol. 59, Issue No. 34, August 2024, August 2024
- Manufacturing-led transformation for realizing India’s 2047 Vision in the context of a fractured trading system: challenges, opportunities, and strategic interventions, Nagesh Kumar, Indian Economic Review, June 2024
- Import Surge in the Indian Manufacturing Sector during the Trade Liberalisation Phase, Ramaa Arun Kumar, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 59, Issue No. 25, June 2024
- India’s Evolving Industrial Policy is Critical for Realizing Its Development Vision, Nagesh Kumar, Chicago Booth - The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, PROMARKET Spring 2023, pp.54-59, July 2023
- Legitimate versus Distortionary Freebies, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, Atul Sarma, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 57, Issue No. 43, 22, October 2022
- Productivity Growth of Indian Banking Sector: A Comparative Analysis of Pre- and Post-Global Financial Crisis, Seenaiah Kale, Journal of Public Affairs, published online, September 3, September 2022
- Convergence or Persistence? Inter-industry Wage Differentials in Indian Manufacturing, Anjali Tandon, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 57, Issue No. 38, 17, September 2022
- Indian Economy@75: Achievements, Gaps and Aspirations for the Indian Centenary, Nagesh Kumar, Indian Economic Journal, Sage Publications, July 2022
- Linkages and changing factor use in Indian economy: Implications of emerging trade pattern, Anjali Tandon, Journal of Social and Economic Development, Volume 24, Issue 1, Springer publications, June 2022
- Implications of Policy Initiatives for MSMEs amid Economic Disruptions Caused by COVID-19, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, , VIKALPA -The Journal for Decision Makers, Vol. 47 (1), January-March, pp 1– 12, March 2022
- Factor endowments and the structure of Indian manufacturing: An analysis of organised and unorganised sectors, Anjali Tandon, Saloni Khurana and Akash Pal, Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue, Volume 1, January 2022
- The Nexus between Financial Inclusion and Economic Development: Comparison of Old and New EU Member Countries, Seenaiah Kale, Ruixian Huanga, Sudharshan Reddy Paramatic, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesaryd, Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 69, Pages 1-15, November 2021
- Political Economy of Employment-Unemployment in Capitalism, Satyaki Roy, Upadhyay, V., & Singh, P. (Eds.). (2021). Global Political Economy: A Critique of Contemporary Capitalism (1st ed.). Routledge. , November 2021
- Economic Reforms and Market Competition in India: An Assessment, Beena Saraswathy, The Antitrust Bulletin. March 25, March 2021
- The Union Budget 2020–21: A Mixed Bag of Cheers and Tears, Anjali Tandon, Journal of Business Thought, Vol. 11, April 2020–March 2021, No. 1, pp. 29–39. , November 2020
- Occupational Mobility in Migrants, Ajit Kumar Jha, Arvind Pandey, in S Irudaya Rajan and Sumeetha M (Eds) Handbook of Internal Migration in India, First Edition, Sage Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, pp. 476–495, September 2020
- Agglomeration and Convergence: Evidence from the Indian Manufacturing, Mahua Paul, Social Science Research Network, August 2020
- Assessing structural coherence with factor proportions of tradable sectors in Indian economy, Anjali Tandon, Journal of Income and Wealth, Volume 42 (1&3), January-December, March 2020
- Consolidation Activities of Big Business Groups in India, Beena Saraswathy, in Anil K Sinha et al. (Eds) Advances in Management and Technology, Bloomsbury, New Delhi, February 2020
- Supply and Demand for Skills in the Indian Labour Market and Impact of Covid-19, Mitali Gupta and Manik Kumar, Manpower, Vol. 54, No. 1&2, pp. 19–36, January 2020
- Revisiting Factor Proportions in the Indian Economy: A Study of Tradable Sectors, Anjali Tandon, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 47–54, January 2020
- Industry Level Analysis of Productivity Growth under Market Imperfections, Ramaa Arun Kumar, Mahua Paul, Indian Growth and Development Review, Vol. 13, No. 1, October 2019
- Aftermath of Demonetisation: Claims and Reality, Santosh Kumar Das, in Atul Sarma (Ed) Demonetisation: Claims and Reality, Aakar Books, Delhi, pp. 77–94. , September 2019
- Parable of Demonetisation and the Optical Illusion of Class War, Satyaki Roy, in Atul Sarma (Ed) Demonetisation: Claims and Reality, Aakar Books, Delhi, pp. 69–76, June 2019
- Labour Capital Conflict and Permeation of Class in Marxian Categories, Satyaki Roy, in K R Shyam Sundar (Ed) Perspectives on Neoliberalism, Labour and Globalisation in India, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 61–78, May 2019
- Demonetisation and the Indian Economy: Some Macroeconomic Challenges, Santosh Kumar Das, Pradyuman Singh Rawat, in Atul Sarma (Ed) Demonetisation: Claims and Reality, Aakar Books, Delhi, pp. 30–68, January 2019
- Poverty Targeting and Economic Growth in India, Mahua Paul, Arup Mitra , Journal of Income and Wealth, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 133–145, July 2018
- Contractionary Fiscal Policy, Public Investment and Regional Growth Dynamics in India: An Empirical Analysis, Santosh Kumar Das, Review of Development and Change, Vol. 23, No. 1, January–June, June 2018
- Revisiting Capital and the Revolution against Capital, Satyaki Roy, Social Scientist, Vol. 46, No. 3-4, pp. 55–68, March–April, April 2018
- Decoding Resistance in the Globalised Regime of Social Labour, Satyaki Roy, Social Change and Development, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1–15, January 2018
- Demonetisation and Indian Economy: Some Macroeconomic Challenges, Santosh Kumar Das, P S Rawat, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Vol. 29, No. 3-4, pp. 465–490, December 2017
- Demonetisation 2.0: Aims and Achievements, Atul Sarma, Social Change and Development, Vol. 14, July 2017
- Imperialism ‘Old’ and the ‘New’: Departures and Continuities, Satyaki Roy, in Sunanda Sen and Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Eds) Imperialism Changes its Face: From Colonialism to Contemporary Capitalism, Routledge 2017, July 2017
- Make in India: Issues and Concerns, Satyaki Roy, in Kamal Nayan Kabra and Vrajaindra Upadhyay (Eds) Plutocracy Cronyism and Populism: Facets of Neoliberism in India, Vitasta Press, New Delhi, April 2017
- How Do Self-Employed Workers in India Perceive their Earnings, Partha Pratim Sahu, in K P Kannan, R P Mamgain, and Preet Rustagi (Eds) Labour and Development: Essays in Honour of Prof T S Papola, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, March 2017
- Informality and Neoliberalism: Changing Norms and Capital’s Control, Satyaki Roy, in K P Kannan, R P Mamgain, and P Rustagi (Eds) Labour and Development: Essays in Honour of Prof T S Papola, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, March 2017
- Productivity Growth in Organised Manufacturing Sector in India: Evidence from Technology Intensive Classification of Industries, R. Rijesh, Artha Vijnana, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 121–148, June 2016
- Faltering Manufacturing Growth and Employment: Is ‘Making’ the Answer?, Satyaki Roy, Economic & Political Weekly, Special Article, Vol. 51, No. 13, pp. 35–42, March 2016
- Migrant Workers in Ludhiana, Jesim Pais and Yoshifumi Usami , in Shuji Uchikawa (Ed.) Industrial Clusters, Migrant Workers, and Labour Markets in India, IDE-JETRO Series, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 22–61, September 2014
- India’s Current Account Deficit: Causes and Cure, K S Chalapati Rao and Biswajit Dhar, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 49, No. 21, pp. 41–45, May 2014
- Yuan: Towards an International Currency, T P Bha, India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 69, No.3, pp. 249–263, May 2013
- Expansion of Private Business Space for the Marginalised Social Groups in India: Barriers and Challenges, Partha Pratim Sahu, in S Misra, D Awasthi and G Batthini (Eds) Tenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, Vols. I & II, Bookwell, New Delhi, pp. 557–567, April 2013
- Currency Concerns: Case of China, Sunanda Sen , Triple Crisis Blog, March 6., February 2013
- China in the Global Economy: Encountering the Systemic Risks, Sunanda Sen, in Amiya Bagchi and Anthony D’Costa (Eds) Transformaion and Development: The Political Economy of Transition in India and China, Oxford University Press, Delhi., March 2012
- Economic Growth and Employment and Linkages: The Indian Experience, T S Papola, The Indian Economic Journal, Conference Volume, December, January 2012
- Does the Current Crisis Remind us of the Great Depression?, Sunanda Sen , in Oscar Dejuan et al.(Eds) The First Great Recession of the 21st Century: Competing Explanations, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, London, November 2011
- Smoke and Mirror of Commodity Future Trading in India, T P Bhat and Mahua Paul, Takshashila Academia of Economic Research, Seminar Volume , February 2011
- Trading in India’s Commodity Future Markets, Sunanda Sen and Mahua Paul , Takshashila Academia of Economic Research, Seminar Volume, February 2011
- Disparities in Consumption Expenditure and Reversal of the ‘Tunnel Effect’ in Alternative Economic Survey, Satyaki Roy, Indian Political Economy Association, Delhi, pp. 47–52, February 2011
- Financial Inclusion and Development, Mandira Sarma and Jesim Pais, Journal of International Development, Vol. 23, No. 5. , February 2011
- Is there an Earning Penalty for the Self-employed Worker’ Evidence from India, Partha Pratim Sahu, in Valentina Cuzzocrea and Jenifer Laws (Eds) Value of Work: Updates on Old Issues, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, February 2011
- Managing Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case Delhi, Sunanda Sen, Daanish Books, Delhi. Also published as Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No. 630, October 2010
- Globalisation, Work and Social Exclusion in India: Evolving an Inclusionary Policy Framework, T S Papola and Alakh N Sharma, in Shashi Moti Lal and Bijayalaxmi Nanda (Eds) Understanding Social Inequality: Concerns of Human Rights, Gender and Environment, Macmillan, October 2010
- Price Situation in India: A Note Contributed to the Citizens Report on Governance and Development (also known as Social Watch Report), Surajit Mazumdar , Sage Publications, New Delhi, July 2010
- Remuneration Differences in the Emerging Economies of China and India, Erhua Iris Zhou, Zhao Lu, Xiaoyan Li, Tian Li, T S Papola, Partha Pratim Sahu, and Jesim Pais, Remuneration Differences in the Emerging Economies of China and India,” International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 360–370, July 2010
- Two Decades of Liberalisation and the Indian Private Corporate Sector, Surajit Mazumdar, in Alternative Economic Survey: Two Decades of Neoliberalism, Daanish Books, Delhi, June 2010
- Rural Non-Farm Sector in India: Role and Prospects in a Globalising Economy, T S Papola, in Contributions to Indian Social Science, A Quarterly Journal of The Indian Association of Social Science Institutions, Vol. 29, No. 2, April–July, April 2010
- Ensuring Minimum Public Holding in Listed Companies, K S Chalapati Rao , Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 45, No. 36, pp. 44–50, March 2010
- Private Industry and the Second Five Year Plan: The Mundhra Episode as Exemplar of Capitalist Myopia, Nasir Tyabji, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 45, No. 32, pp. 47–55. , January 2010
- The Global Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Demand Conditions in India, Surajit Mazumdar, in the Global Economic Crisis: A People’s Perspective, Alternative Survey Group and Indian Political Economy Association, Daanish Books, Delhi, October 2009
- Labour Market Flexibility: An Empirical Inquiry into Neoliberal Propositions, Atulan Guha, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 44, No. 19, pp. 45–52, September 2009
- Speculation, Scams, Frauds and Crises: Theory and Facts, Sunanda Sen, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 44, No. 12, pp. 15–19, July 2009
- Corporate Sector, Industrialisation and Economic Development in India, K S Chalapati Rao, Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 57, No. 2, July-September, p. 158–160, July 2009
- Losers Are Once Again Who Lost In The Past, Satyaki Roy, in Global Economic Crisis: A People’s Perspective, Alternative Survey Group and Indian Political Economy Association, Daanish Books, Delhi, March 2009
- Skill Premium: What Caused the Mismatch?, Satyaki Roy, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 789–802, December 2008
- De-regulation of India’s Financial Sector, Sunanda Sen, Alternate Economic Survey of India, Delhi, November 2008
- State, Society, Market and the Indian Economy, Sunanda Sen, in Third Frame: Literature, Culture and Society, Jamia Millia Islamia, Vol. 1, No. 4 , November 2008
- De-regulated Finance and Impact on Corporate Investments: The Case of Industry and Labour in India, Sunanda Sen, in Philip Arestis and Luiz Fernando de Paula (Eds), Financial Liberalisation and Economic Performance in Emerging Countries, Palgrave-Macmillan Houndsmill. , July 2008
- Private Corporate Sector, Surajit Mazumdar, In Alternative Economic Survey India 2007–2008: Decline of the Developmental State, Daanish Books, Delhi. A, April 2008
- Foundries in Duress: Identifying Impediments in Institutions and Organisations, Satyaki Roy, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 91–104, March 2008
- Investment and Growth in India under Liberalization: Asymmetries and Instabilities, Surajit Mazumdar , Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 49, No. 43, pp. 68–77, March 2008
- Stock Markets, K S Chalapati Rao, in Alternative Economic Survey India 2007–2008: Decline of the Developmental State, Daanish Books, Delhi, February 2008
- State, Society and the Market: Indian Economy under Economic Reforms, Sunanda Sen, in S.R. Hashim et al. Indian Industrial Development and Globalisation: Essays in Honour of Professor S K Goyal, ISID, Academic Foundation, Delhi, January 2008
- Exchange Rate Management in Gold Standard Era: A Historical Overview, Atulan Guha, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 42, No. 45-46, pp. 67–72, November 2007
- The Private Corporate Sector, Surajit Mazumdar, Alternative Economic Survey, India 2006–07, pp. 125–31, June 2007
- Company Size and Effective Corporate Tax Rate in Indian Manufacturing, Atulan Guha, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 42, No. 20, pp. 1869–1874. , May 2007
- Debate on Labour Market Reforms in India: A Case of Misplaced Focus, T S Papola and Jesim Pais, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 183–200, April 2007
- Stock Market, K S Chalapati Rao and K V K Ranganathan, in Alternative Economic Survey, India 2005–06: Disempowering Masses, Daanish Books, Delhi., July 2006
- Emerging Structure of Indian Economy: Implications of Growing Sectoral Imbalances, T S Papola , Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 54, No. 1., April 2006
- Workers in a Globalising World: Some Perspectives from India, T S Papola , Paper presented at the Conference on Globalisation and Labour Mobility in India and China, organised by Asian Business and Economic Research Unit (ABERU), at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, September 29–30. , September 2005
- Investment Climate in India, T P Bhat, Journal of JBIC Institute, Japanese Bank for International Cooperation, September (in Japanese). , September 2005
- Planning Process: The Need for Objectivity, S K Goyal, Man and Development, September 2004
- Wavelet Analysis of Bombay Stock Exchange Index, Pratap C Biswal, B K Kammaiah, Prasant K Panigarhi, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol. 18, No. 1, April 2004
- Washington Consensus and India: Experience of the last Decade, S K Goyal and K S Chalapati Rao, Man and Development, December 2002
- Foreign Institutional Investments and the Indian Stock Market, K S Chalapati Rao, K V K Ranganathan and M R Murthy, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Vol. 11, No. 4, October 1999
- Some Aspects of the Indian Stock Market in the Post-Liberalisation Period, K S Chalapati Rao, K V K Ranganathan and M R Murthy, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Vol 11, No. 4, October 1999
- A manufacturing road map, Nagesh Kumar, Financial Express, March 14, 2025
- Repo rate one of many factors to revive growth, Nagesh Kumar, Business Standard, February 21, 2025
- Revive manufacturing growth, Nagesh Kumar, Financial Express, January 25, 2025
- Manufacturing landscape of India: a district-level analysis using economic census, PTI, Economic Times, January 23, 2025
- Close export gap to match manufacturing might: ISID chief, KR Srivats, Hindu BusinessLine, January 21, 2025
- Interest rate cut alone not enough to boost growth: MPC member Nagesh Kumar, Sunny Verma, Economic Times, January 21, 2025
- UN pegs India FY26 GDP growth at 6.6%, ET Bureau, Nagesh Kumar, Economic Times, January 9, 2025
- Welfare programmes impact the retail prices relevant to people, TCA Anant, Mint, January 7, 2025
- Growth to pick up in coming quarters on govt capex, says MPC member Nagesh Kumar, Mint, December 23, 2024
- Policy rates have limited impact on food prices: MPC external members, Business Standard, December 21, 2024
- India’s inflation aim: Let us go by its reality and not the perception, TCA Anant, Mint, August 21, 2024
- Sustaining dynamism via manufacturing & jobs, Nagesh Kumar, Financial Express, July 25, 2024
- Towards growth with jobs, Nagesh Kumar, Financial Express, July 17, 2024
- Industrial policy agenda for the new government, Nagesh Kumar, Hindustan Times, July 8, 2024
- Statistical reform: Suggestions for the new government’s first 100 days, Live Mint, June 19, 2024
- Industrial Structure Policy and Achievements, (Interviewed by Manoj Mainkar), Nagesh Kumar, Indraprastha, Akashvani Live News 24x7 and Akashvani AIR YouTube Channel, June 18, 2024
- Economists calculate the cost of Congress manifesto, seek roadmap for manufacturing growth, Nagesh Kumar, The Sunday Gaurdian, by Nivedita Mukherjee, April 14, 2024
- GDP growth should be a corollary of job creation, Ajay Shankar, The Tribune, April 3, 2024
- Manufacturing, tech, and India: The Indian economy must shift to manufacturing and should leverage tech to do so, Nagesh Kumar, Financial Express, February 14, 2024
- A volley of regulations: India’s exports have to learn to navigate EU’s green law maze, Shariq khan, Economic Times, January 19, 2024
- UN report revises India’s GDP projection downward to 6.2% for 2024, Ruchika Chitravanshi, Business Standard, January 6, 2024
- Economic growth to remain strong at 6.2% in 2024; private consumption and public spending to provide support, Ishaan Gera, Economic Times, January 5, 2024
- Indian economy’s stellar performance: Joins the ranks of stock market superpowers, Shishu Ranjan, Ajit Kumar Jha, India News Network, December 31, 2023
- Indian Economy: A Shining Star Amidst Global Slowdown, Shishu Ranjan &, Ajit Kumar Jha, India Vs Disinformation, October 30, 2023
- India’s G20 Presidency: How the country is using its economic clout to bridge North-South divide, Surabhi & Arnav Das Sharma, Nagesh Kumar, Business Today, August 26, 2023
- Do production-linked incentives for manufacturing work?, Nagesh Kumar, The Hindu, June 9, 2023
- Lessons from Hanoi: What India can learn from Vietnam’s blueprint to replace China as a manufacturing hub, Nagesh Kumar, The Economic Times Rise, April 21, 2023
- India’s Evolving Industrial Policy Is Critical for Realizing Its Development Vision, Nagesh Kumar,, March 21, 2023
- New industrial policy for New India, Nagesh Kumar, The Hindu Business Line, January 26, 2023
- Brainstorming on future-oriented infrastructure development, The Pioneer, January 17, 2023
- For growth, bolster the manufacturing sector, Nagesh Kumar, Hindustan Times, December 31, 2022
- Should India choose manufacturing over services? Prashanth Perumal J., Nagesh Kumar, The Hindu Parley Podcast, September 16, 2022
- Petty patents can boost R&D, Nagesh Kumar, Reji K. Joseph, The Hindu, June 20, 2022
- Post offices must turn e-comm facilitators, Beena Saraswathy, The Hindu BusinessLine, March 23, 2022
- A budget fillip for Make-in-India – The thrust on manufacturing needs to be supported by exchange rate management, Nagesh Kumar, Financial Express, January 26, 2022
- G20 needs to act to curb short-term capital flows and fund development, Nagesh Kumar, The Jakarta Post, October 28, 2021
- G20 Also Needs to Act to Curb Short-Term Capital Flows and Fund Development, Nagesh Kumar, IDN-InDepthNews, October 27, 2021
- Only a global effort can tame Covid-19, Reji K. Joseph, The Hindu, May 31, 2021
- Declining Female Labour Force Participation and Crisis of Social Reproduction, Satyaki Roy, Anveshi Research Centre for Women’s Studies, March 1, 2021
- Budget 2021: Monetisation of land key to fiscal consolidation, not spending cuts, Surya Tewari, Policy Circle, February 17, 2021
- Covid-19 Recession: New Government Spending Key to Economic Revival, Santosh Kumar Das, Policy Circle, June 21, 2020
- US tries to thwart TRIPS flexibilities in the midst of a pandemic, Reji K. Joseph, LiveMint, May 1, 2020
- Profitability of Medium-low Tech Industries into a Tailspin, Anjali Tandon, The Financial Express, February 24, 2020
- Economists Speak – 2020 INDIA UNION BUDGET, Anjali Tandon, In The Edition, February 9, 2020
- Facing the Reality: How Can Modi Reverse the Current Economic Slowdown?, The Wire, December 28, 2019
- How Operational Efficiency of India’s Ports Impacts its Manufacturing Exports, Mahua Paul, Ideas for India, June 10, 2019
- ‘Prospects and Challenges of Industrial Development in Mithila Region of Northern Bihar‘, Ajit Kumar Jha, Simhavalokan (Maithili Language Journal), December 1, 2018
- Competitions and rankings help states reforms, Anjali Tandon, Financial Express, July 28, 2018