Research Programme
- Research Programme
- Industrial Structure, Performance, and Policies
- Corporate Governance and Industrial Financing
- Leveraging MSMEs and Start-ups for Industrial Transformation
- Globalization, FDI, and Trade
- Technology, Innovation, and Industry 4.0
- Green Industrialization Strategy
- Employment and Labour Markets
- Spatial Dimensions of Industrial Development and Industrial Infrastructure
- Sectoral Studies on Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing

Industrialization can help to close the development gaps that some regions may be facing. Hence, policies are designed to facilitate the dispersal of the industry across the country especially in lesser developed parts through infrastructure development and through special incentives. Under this theme, ISID’s work analyses the patterns of industrial development across the different parts and discern the trends in intra-regional disparities and inequalities. This analysis could provide important lessons for policy for balanced regional development.
- Projects
- Events
- Working Papers
- Policy Briefs
- Books/Monographs
- Journal Articles
- Newspaper/Web Articles
Trends in Inter-Regional Disparities in Indian Manufacturing
At the time of India’s Independence, the country inherited severe structural and economic inadequacies resulting in nearly stalled industrial development. At that time, the national consensus was in favour of rapid industrialization of the economy which was seen as the key to economic development. The industrialization model also aimed to reduce divergence and achieve balanced regional growth. However, now we have come a long way in terms of diversification and production with a deliberate move towards mechanization of the manufacturing processes. The policy intention was not only to meet the internal demand, but also to make a mark in the export market. Moreover, there is evidence of inter-regional disparities in terms of growth, productivity, and employment in manufacturing across states. The present research study will examine these features for the period 2000-2018. An attempt will be made to compare the performance of both the organized and unorganized manufacturing sectors in the context of India’s manufacturing landscape. In India, there is severe disparity in terms of manufacturing exports across states. Some states not only perform well in terms of manufacturing, but also do well in exports. This study will attempt to analyse the differences in performances with respect to state level exports keeping in mind that data problems exist and persist relating to data on state level exports.
Research Team: Dr Mahua Paul
Collaboration: ICSSR
Status: [Ongoing], project launched in 2022-23; time frame: 24 months.
Regional Disparities across States in India
On many development parameters, India appears to be almost like a continent, with different states at vastly different stages of development. Underlying such stark differences are differences in the levels of per capita incomes, not in any small measure determined by the relative sectoral compositions in the sub-national economies. This study examines the sectoral compositions of different states and comments on the changes that have occurred over time. The divergence in regional incomes is seen to have risen sharply over the past two decades. It investigates the levels of regional disparities across states in India and through decomposition, exercise investigates the relative contributions of the three sectors – primary, secondary and tertiary – to understand the drivers of the disparity witnessed. It also explores the role of infrastructure-physical and social in explaining the interstate patterns. The project output has been reported in two ISID Working Papers: #257 by Dr Shiladitya Chatterjee; and #254 by Dr Sangeeta Ghosh both issued in October-December quarter.
Research Team: Dr Shiladitya Chatterjee and Dr Sangeeta Ghosh
Status: [Ongoing], started in 2021-22; time frame: 12 months
Exploring the Product Space Map of Indian Manufacturing Sector
As economies mature, the level of complexity in their respective economic activities tends to grow, enabled by increasing knowledge capacities and inter-connectedness of firms within and across the global markets. The framework of economic complexity helps in predicting economic growth by overcoming the challenges of the heterogenous dynamics of a country’s economic growth. The essential role of a diversified set of inputs and their growing complexity needs to be incorporated in the study of the growth of economies to understand the tangible/intangible factors nested in the very nature of production. With this background, the proposed project would undertake to study the structure of India’s manufacturing industries and project the future growth trajectory that India could pursue to break out of the low manufacturing sector trap using the methodology used in Hausmann et al (2013) of constructing a product map for Indian manufacturing sector.
Research Team: Dr Ramaa Arun Kumar, Dr Clovis Freire (UNCTAD, Geneva)
Status: [Ongoing], project launched in 2021-22; time frame: 18 months.
Spatial Dynamics of Manufacturing Landscape in India: A District Level Comparative Analysis of Pre- and Post-Reform Contexts
The study focuses on the changing manufacturing landscape of India between pre-and post-economic reform periods. As the pre-economic reform period was characterized by balanced regional development, development of manufacturing industries took place in some of the so-called industrially backward regions of the country. However, with economic reforms, the focus has shifted to a competitive edge to take advantage of the global capital. This has repercussions on the spatial reorganization, reconstruction, and expansion of manufacturing industries as well as on associated factors of production, such as labour. The study tries to elucidate whether Indian manufacturing has experienced any significant spatial change in a temporal framework. The analysis is based on the Economic Census (EC) of two time periods, viz. 1990 (3rd EC) and 2013–14 (6th EC). The 2-digit classification (3-digit wherever necessary) of manufacturing industries using the National Industrial Classification has also been focused upon. The study relies on the geographic information system (GIS) platform to enable overlays and bring spatial correlation. Statistical techniques like location quotient and spatial Gini coefficient are also being used to understand concentration and dispersal of manufacturing spaces.
Research Team: Dr Surya Tewari
Collaborator: ICSSR/IMPRESS
Status: [Completed]; Report submitted May 2022.
Urbanisation and Human Capital Development in Assam
The study examines the relationship between urban population, educational infrastructure, and human capital, particularly with reference to the state of Assam. The state, with a diverse topography and spatial distribution of resources, with each setting incorporating uniqueness, provides both challenges and opportunities from policy perspectives. In light of this, the study – (i) dealt with the patterns and growth of urbanisation in Assam, and developed a hierarchy of urban centres based on urban infrastructure and ranked the cities based on living conditions; (ii) addressed the issue of developing a methodology of human capital development index at the district level; and, (iii) analysed perceptions among sample students and trainees of Polytechnics and Industrial Training Institutes in Assam and students from Assam studying in institutions of higher education in Delhi relating to educational and employment aspects.
In conclusion, the study proffered policy directions that need to be pursued. This study, sponsored by the ICSSR under its research programme scheme on “Special Areas and Special Programmes”, was submitted to the Council in November 2019. Prof. H. Ramachandran was the Programme Director and Dr Poonam Sharma was Co-Director.
Ports as Infrastructure, Ports as Cities: The Indian Port System from Colonialism to Globalization
Sea-ports represent a complex interplay of physical, spatial and socio-economic phenomena and are invariably the centres where different kinds of interactions and dependencies in the supra-national economy are worked out, be it under colonialism or under the modern phase of globalisation.
The objective of the study is: i) to chisel the concepts and theoretical frameworks relevant to the historical and spatial analysis of sea-ports, port systems and port-cities. This is necessary because most of the concepts en vogue have acquired varying theoretical meanings in social science and port planning literature; ii) to trace the evolution of the Indian sea-port system from the colonial period, when the introverted economy of the country was reoriented and focused on sea-ports, to the present day, when India is being increasingly drawn into the world economy; iii) to analyse the Indian port-cities within the national systems of ports and cities and thus outline the linkages between the port and city functions; and, iv) to underpin the various factors that have historically influenced the performance, management and future prospects of Indian sea-ports. The project was sanctioned by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) in November 2012 and it is to be completed by November 2013. Preparation of the final report is under progress and ICSSR granted an extension of time up to March 2014 owing to the vast range and scope of the study. Prof. Atiya Habeeb Kidwai, formerly Professor at JNU is the Project Director.
Landscape of Regional Manufacturing in India: Reflections from Commodity Flow Analysis
The project awarded by Northern Regional Centre of ICSSR, aims to analyse regional manufacturing in India at the district level using commodity flow data.
Other objectives include examining manufacturing within districts along the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and assessing the alignment of commodity flows with Special Economic Zones. Given the paucity of district-level manufacturing data, as the ASI does not provide district codes and the NSSO Unorganised Enterprise Survey is outdated (2015-16), efforts will be made to generate data from commodity flow information. Railways track the movement of freight by commodity, including district of origin (shipment) and destination (receipt). The study will utilise railway commodity flow data from the financial year 2022-23 and/or the previous year, such as 2012-13, if available. Attempts will also be made to obtain freight data from the Ministry of Road Transport or truck associations. Where possible, railway data will be combined with road data.
Commencing on July 15, 2024, the project will span 12 months.
Dr Surya Tewari is the Project Director of the study.
- ISID Webinar on Inter-State Disparities in Industrialisation In India, July 29, 2022
- Discussion on ‘Special Economic Zones’, June 25, 2007
- Global Symposium on Disaster Resilient Smart Cities, December 4, 2019
- Evaluating Performance of ODOP and Its Role in Industrial Development of Uttar Pradesh, Surya Tewari, Ajit Kumar Jha, WP278, February 2024
- India’s Unbalanced Industrial Development: Possible Explanations for Inter-State Variations, WP257, December 2022
- Status and Scope of Industrial Development in Aspirational Districts of India, Surya Tewari, WP256, November 2022
- Examining Regional Disparities among States of India through Sectoral Compositions, Sangeeta Ghosh, WP254, October 2022
- Manufacturing Units and Employment in India: A District Level Analysis Using Economic Census, Surya Tewari, WP251, August 2022
- State-wise Distribution of Manufacturing Units and Employment in India: An Exploration from the Economic Census, Surya Tewari, WP246, June 2022
- Two Phases of NPAs in India’s Banks, Santosh Kumar Das, WP240, December 2021
- Spatial Distribution of Workers in Manufacturing India – 1991 and 2011, WP228, September 2020, WP228, September 2020
- Special Economic Zones: Location and Land Utilisation, Surya Tewari, WP221, March 2020
- Review of Industrial and Development Corridors in India, WP217, December 2019
- Satyaki Roy, Spatial Organization of Production in India: Contesting Themes and Conflicting Evidence,, Satyaki Roy, WP139, January 1970
- Satyaki Roy, Regional Disparities in Growth and Human Development in India,, Satyaki Roy, WP147, January 1970
- Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, Parental Education and Infant Mortality in India: Understanding the Regional Differences, ISID-PHFI Collaborative Research Programme,, WP157, January 1970
- Nilmadhab Mohanty, The “Special Category State” Conundrum in Odisha,, WP156, January 1970
- Kalaiyarasan A., Growth and Distribution: Understanding Developmental Regimes in Indian States, WP184, October 2015, WP184, January 1970
- Jagannath Mallick, Estimation of Private Investment in Manufacturing Sector and Determinants in Indian States,, WP148, January 1970
- Hariharan Ramachandran, Intensity of Use of Land in Urban Residential Areas, WP199, August 2017, WP199, January 1970
- Atiya Habeeb Kidwai & Gloria Kuzur, Seaports, Dry ports, Development Corridors: Implications for Regional Development in Globalizing India, WP178, February 2015, WP178, January 1970
- Special Economic Zones and India’s Industrialisation: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Way Forward, PB #22-01, January 2022
- String of Thoughts on North East India: An Economist’s Perspectives, Atul Sarma, Aakar Books.,, , April 2018, April 2018
- Integrating the Third Tier in the Indian Federal System: Two Decades of Rural Local Governance, Atul Sarma and Debabani Chakravorty, Palgrave Macmillan,, , October 2017, October 2017
- Research Surveys and Explorations: Economic Geography, Vol. 2, H Ramachandran (Joint Ed), Oxford University Press, India,, , May 2016, May 2016
- Enterprise Development in Mountain Areas: Guidelines for Entrepreneurs, Promotional Agencies and Policy Makers, T S Papola and Dinesh N Awasthi, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.,, , July 2005, July 2005
- Role of Infrastructure in Regional Economic Growth, Mahua Paul, Pooja Sharma, SSRN Working Paper, February 2024
- Slums in Million-Plus Cities in India: Characteristics and Redevelopment, Surya Tewari, Ajit Kumar Jha, Urban India, July-December, December 2021
- What difference will the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor make?, Nagesh Kumar, The Hindu - In Focus Podcast, September 13, 2023
- Rural income growth key to reviving economy, Santosh Kumar Das, The New Indian Express, April 20, 2020
- To Join or Not to Join RCEP: Is it Time for India to Look Beyond Tariff Cuts?, Financial Express, September 3, 2019
- Transparency Challenge to Surmount, Santosh Kumar Das, The Orissa Post, December 16, 2018
- Bad Bank Can help Improve NPA Resolution, Santosh Kumar Das, The Hindu, July 8, 2018
- The Two Facets of NPA management in India, Santosh Kumar Das, The Hindu, June 24, 2018