Journal Articles
- Evaluating the Role of Subsidies in Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study of India, Anjali Tandon, Roopali Aggarwal, in Sudesh Ratna R., Sharma S.K., Kumar R., Dobhal A. (eds) “Indian Agriculture Under the Shadows of WTO and FTAs. India Studies in Business and Economics”. Springer, Singapore, May 2021
- The Impact of Financial Inclusion and Trade Openness on Economic Development in the European Union, Seenaiah Kale, Ruixian Huang, Sudharshan Reddy Paramati, and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, in Sang Chul Park, Chul Ju Kim, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, and Pitchaya Sirivunnabood (Ed), Economic Integration in Asia and Europe: Lessons and Policies, Asian Development Bank Institute., April 2021
- Innovation, Patents, and Competition in Modern Agriculture: A Case Study of Bayer and Monsanto Merger, Reji K. Joseph, The Antitrust Bulletin. March 09, March 2021
- M&As by Business Groups and Market Competition: A Study of Tata Steel, Beena Saraswathy, The Antitrust Bulletin. March 09, March 2021
- Economic Reforms and Market Competition in India: An Assessment, Beena Saraswathy, The Antitrust Bulletin. March 25, March 2021
- Digital Transformations and Structural Exclusion Risks: Towards Policy Coherence for Enabling Inclusive Trajectories, Smitha Francis, in Keshab Das, Bhabani Mishra, Madhabananda Das (Ed.) The Digitalization Conundrum in India: Applications, Access and Aberrations, Springer, Singapore, March 2021
- Inbound M&As in India: Issues and Challenges, K.S. Chalapati Rao, Biswajit Dhar, The Antitrust Bulletin. March 11, March 2021
- ‘Introduction: The New Competition Regime in India: Prospects and Challenges, Beena Saraswathy, The Antitrust Bulletin. February 25, February 2021
- Liberalization, Import of Capital Goods, and Industrial Exports: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Sectors, R. Rijesh, Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 2021; 13(1):81-103., December 2020
- Inter-state Variation in Urban Growth in India: The Issue of Statutory and Census Towns, Surya Tewari, Urban India, Vol. 40, No.2, July–December, pp. 103–117, December 2020
- Import intensity of India’s manufactured exports: an industry level analysis, Mahua Paul, Ramaa Arun Kumar, Indian Economic Review, Volume 56, 67–90, November 2020
- The Union Budget 2020–21: A Mixed Bag of Cheers and Tears, Anjali Tandon, Journal of Business Thought, Vol. 11, April 2020–March 2021, No. 1, pp. 29–39. , November 2020
- Land Utilisation in Special Economic Zones in India: A Macro and Micro Scenario, Surya Tewari, Nagarlok: Quarterly Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 52, No. 4, October–December, pp. 67–92, October 2020
- Covid-19 Disaster: Interdependence of Crisis Communication and Socio-Economic Resilience, Jaishri Jethwaney, in V K Malhotra, R Fernando, S Lalitha, and Nivedita P Haran (Eds) Disaster Management for 2030 Agenda of the SDG, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 333–358, September 2020
- Occupational Mobility in Migrants, Ajit Kumar Jha, Arvind Pandey, in S Irudaya Rajan and Sumeetha M (Eds) Handbook of Internal Migration in India, First Edition, Sage Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, pp. 476–495, September 2020
- Causal Nexus between FDI Inflows and Its Determinants in SAARC Countries, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, Sushil K. Rai, South Asia Economic Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, September, pp. 193–215, September 2020
- Examining the Covid-19 Relief Package for MSMEs, Sangeeta Ghosh, in Uma Kapila (Ed) Coronavirus Pandemic: Lessons and Policy Response – Economic Developments in India (EDI), Vol. 250, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, pp. 169–177, September 2020
- Impact of FTAs on India’s Electronics Manufacturing Sector, Smitha Francis and Murali Kallummal , in the Study on Promoting Electronic Manufacturing in India – An MVIRDC Research Initiative, World Trade Centre, Mumbai, pp. 84–89, September 2020
- Making FTAs More Inclusive – A Case for Promoting SMEs in India, Anjali Tandon, paper for Policy Hackathon on Model Provisions for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic, conducted by the United Nations ESCAP , September 2020
- Abysmal Demand Conditions and Technological Obsolescence in India’s Weaving Machinery Manufacturing, Sanjaya Kumar Malik, Journal of Public Affairs, published online, August 25, August 2020