Working Papers
Footwear Cluster in Kolkata: A Case of Self-exploitative Fragmentation, Satyaki Roy, WP125, December 2009
Garments Industry in India: Lessons from Two Clusters, Satyaki Roy, WP124, December 2009
Global Financial Crisis: A Classic ‘Ponzi’ Affair?, Sunanda Sen, Wp123, December 2008
The Analysis of Business Groups: Some Observations with reference to India, Surajit Mazumdar, WP122, December 2008
Outward FDI and Knowledge Flows: A Study of the Indian Automotive Sector,, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Neelam Singh, WP121, November 2008
South-South Investment in Infrastructure: The Operation of Indian Firms in Developing Countries, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, WP120, August 2008
Indian Direct Investment in Developing Countries: Emerging Trends and Development Impacts, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, WP119, June 2008
Surajit Mazumdar, Investment and Growth in India under Liberalization: Asymmetries and Instabilities, Surajit Mazumdar, WP118, March 2008
Abhilasha Kumari, Media the Key Driver of Consumerism: Macro-Micro Linkage and Policy Dimension- A Case Study of FM Radio, Abhilasha Kumari, WP117, March 2008
Satyaki Roy, Structural Change in Employment in India since 1980s: How Lewisian is it?,, Satyaki Roy, WP116, March 2008
Surajit Mazumdar, Crony Capitalism and India: Before and After Liberalization,, Surajit Mazumdar, WP115, March 2008
Atulan Guha, Exchange Rate Movement of Developing Countries: An Alternative Theoretical Framework,, Atulan Guha, WP114, February 2008
Crony Capitalism: Caricature or Category?, Surajit Mazumdar, WP113, February 2008
Iron Foundries in Duress: Identifying Impediments in Organisations and Institutions, Satyaki Roy, Satyaki Roy, WP112, January 2008
Trends and Patterns of Overseas Acquisitions by Indian Multinationals, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, WP111, October 2007
National Innovation System and the Emergence of Indian Information and Software Technology Multinationals, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, WP110, May 2007
Estimates of Import Intensity in India’s Manufacturing Sector: Recent Trends and Dimensions,, Mahua Paul, T.P. Bhat, Atulan Guha, and Partha Pratim Sahu, WP109, April 2007
How do Indian Multinationals Affect Exports from Home Country?, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, WP108, April 2007
Five years of China in WTO: An Assessment, T.P. Bhat , WP107, April 2007
Expanding Productive Employment Opportunities: Role and Potential of the Micro and Small Enterprises Sector, Partha Pratim Sahu, WP106, March 2007