Policy Briefs
- Recognising, Measuring, Accounting, Harnessing and Managing Intellectual Capital Assets of Entities, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2015/05, July 2015
- The Internet and its Governance: Comparative Approaches in India and China, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2015/04, May 2015
- India’s FDI Policy on e-Commerce: Some Observations, Rahul Nath Choudhury, DN2015/03, April 2015
- Vision of Digital India: Challenges Ahead for Political Establishments, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2015/02, March 2015
- Evolution of e-Commerce in India: Taxation of e-Commerce Transactions (Part 3), M.M.K. Sardana, DN2015/01, January 2015
- Evolution of e-Commerce in India: Challenges Ahead (Part 2), M.M.K. Sardana, DN2014/08, December 2014
- Evolution of e-Commerce in India: Challenges Ahead (Part 1), M.M.K. Sardana, DN2014/07, October 2014
- Future Technology and Economics, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2014/06, August 2014
- FDI Companies and the Indian Company Law: Regulations vs. Disclosures, K.S. Chalapati Rao, DN2014/05, July 2014
- Advocacy for Technology based Planning for Democratizing the Process of Growth, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2014/04, June 2014
- Case for Revisiting National Manufacturing Policy to provide for Technology Watch and Integration and Coexistence of Manufacturing and Service Sector, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2014/03, April 2014
- Economic Potential of Women Cricket Waiting to be Exploited, M.M.K. Sardana, DN2014/02, March 2014
- Shaping Up Sports Economy in India through Commercialization of Cricket, M.M.K. Sardana, February 2014
- Development, Environment, Biodiversity and The Sixth Great Extinction, M.M.K. Sardana, December 2013
- The Real Estate Regulatory Bill, 2013, M.M.K. Sardana, November 2013
- Addressing Naxalism and Left Wing Extremism through Good Governance, Development, Security Action and Readiness to Talk, M.M.K. Sardana, October 2013
- Indefinite Definition of FDI, K.S. Chalapati Rao, Biswajit Dhar and K.V.K. Ranganathan, September 2013
- Addressing Inequalities in Globalised World, M.M.K. Sardana, August 2013
- Ethical Issues Surrounding the Science and Engineering of Economics, M.M.K. Sardana, July 2013
- FDI in Multi-brand Retail Trade and the Safeguards, K.S. Chalapati Rao and Biswajit Dhar, June 2013