Journal Articles
- De-regulated Finance and Impact on Corporate Investments: The Case of Industry and Labour in India, Sunanda Sen, in Philip Arestis and Luiz Fernando de Paula (Eds), Financial Liberalisation and Economic Performance in Emerging Countries, Palgrave-Macmillan Houndsmill. , July 2008
- Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction and Role of Special Programmes, T S Papola, in N Jayaram and R S Deshpande (Eds) Footprints of Development and Change, Essays in Memory of Prof V K R V Rao Commemorating his Birth Centenary, New Delhi, Academic Foundation., July 2008
- Poverty and Inclusive Growth, S R Hashim, The Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, July–September. , July 2008
- State of Higher Education in India, S R Hashim, in R Radhakrishna (Ed), India Development Report 2008, Oxford University Press, June 2008
- Ways of Looking at Women as Audiences and What they Like: Some Theoretical Concerns, Abhilasha Kumari, in Karen Gabrial (Ed) Translating Gender in India: Texts and Contexts. , June 2008
- Technological Constraints of Small Scale Industries in India: Some Evidence from a Field Survey, Partha Pratim Sahu, in S K Bhaumik (Ed) Reforming Indian Agriculture: Towards Employment Generation and Poverty Reduction, Sage Publications, New Delhi., April 2008
- Private Corporate Sector, Surajit Mazumdar, In Alternative Economic Survey India 2007–2008: Decline of the Developmental State, Daanish Books, Delhi. A, April 2008
- Foundries in Duress: Identifying Impediments in Institutions and Organisations, Satyaki Roy, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 91–104, March 2008
- Investment and Growth in India under Liberalization: Asymmetries and Instabilities, Surajit Mazumdar , Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 49, No. 43, pp. 68–77, March 2008
- Stock Markets, K S Chalapati Rao, in Alternative Economic Survey India 2007–2008: Decline of the Developmental State, Daanish Books, Delhi, February 2008
- La desregulació financier de la economía India, Sunanda Sen, (The Financial Deregulation of the Indian Economy), in Economía Informa, numero 355 noviembre–diciembre, Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico. , January 2008
- State, Society and the Market: Indian Economy under Economic Reforms, Sunanda Sen, in S.R. Hashim et al. Indian Industrial Development and Globalisation: Essays in Honour of Professor S K Goyal, ISID, Academic Foundation, Delhi, January 2008
- Exchange Rate Management in Gold Standard Era: A Historical Overview, Atulan Guha, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 42, No. 45-46, pp. 67–72, November 2007
- Knowledge Based Exports from India: Recent Trends, Patterns and Implications, Nagesh Kumar, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, in Nagesh Kumar and K J Joseph (Eds) International Competitiveness & Knowledge based Industries, Oxford University Press, July 2007
- Poverty and Inclusive Growth, S R Hashim, The Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 55, No. 2, July–September. , July 2007
- Knowledge Based Exports from India: A Firm Level Analysis of Determinants, Nagesh Kumar, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, in Nagesh Kumar and K J Joseph (Eds) International Competitiveness & Knowledge based Industries, Oxford University Press., July 2007
- Employment Trends in India, T S Papola , in Kaushik Basu (Ed) The Oxford Companion to Economics in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. , June 2007
- The Private Corporate Sector, Surajit Mazumdar, Alternative Economic Survey, India 2006–07, pp. 125–31, June 2007
- Company Size and Effective Corporate Tax Rate in Indian Manufacturing, Atulan Guha, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 42, No. 20, pp. 1869–1874. , May 2007
- Unorganised Manufacturing, Flexible Labour and the ‘Low Road’: Lessons from Contemporary India, Satyaki Roy, in Debdas Banerjee and Michael Goldfield (Eds) Labor, Globalisation and the State Workers, Women and Migrants Confront Neoliberalism, Routledge, May 2007