Journal Articles
- Does the Current Crisis Remind us of the Great Depression?, Sunanda Sen , in Oscar Dejuan et al.(Eds) The First Great Recession of the 21st Century: Competing Explanations, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, London, November 2011
- Exemplar of Academia-Industry Interchange: The Department of Chemical Technology at Bombay University, 1915–35, Nasir Tyabji, in Uma Das Gupta (Ed) Science and Modern India: An Institutional History, c.1784–1947, Pearson Longman, New Delhi, October 2011
- Economic Liberalisation and Financing Pattern of Indian Acquiring Firms Abroad, P L Beena, Transnational Corporations Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2011
- Location of FDI in India: Some Less-Explored Aspects, K S Chalapati Rao and M R Murthy, Transnational Corporations Review, Vol. 3, No. 2 , June 2011
- Export-Orientation of Foreign Manufacturing Affiliates in India: The Role of Host Country Market, Local Competition, Policy Regime and Import Competition, Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Keshab Das, and Mahua Paul, Eurasian Journal of Economics and Business , May 2011
- Subcontracting in India’s Micro and Small Manufacturing Enterprises: An Exploratory Analysis, Partha Pratim Sahu, in Keshab Das (Ed) Emerging Issues in Micro and Small Enterprises in India: Era of Reforms, Routledge, pp. 185–207, May 2011
- Spatial Organisation of Production in India: Contesting Themes and Conflicting Evidence, Satyaki Roy, Journal of Regional Development and Planning, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 1–16, February 2011
- Disparities in Consumption Expenditure and Reversal of the ‘Tunnel Effect’ in Alternative Economic Survey, Satyaki Roy, Indian Political Economy Association, Delhi, pp. 47–52, February 2011
- Is there an Earning Penalty for the Self-employed Worker’ Evidence from India, Partha Pratim Sahu, in Valentina Cuzzocrea and Jenifer Laws (Eds) Value of Work: Updates on Old Issues, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, February 2011
- Financial Inclusion and Development, Mandira Sarma and Jesim Pais, Journal of International Development, Vol. 23, No. 5. , February 2011
- Trading in India’s Commodity Future Markets, Sunanda Sen and Mahua Paul , Takshashila Academia of Economic Research, Seminar Volume, February 2011
- Smoke and Mirror of Commodity Future Trading in India, T P Bhat and Mahua Paul, Takshashila Academia of Economic Research, Seminar Volume , February 2011
- High Non-wage Employment in India: Revisiting the Paradox in Capitalist Development, Satyaki Roy, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 54, No. 2, Pp. 251–267, January 2011
- Formulating India’s FDI Policy: Waiting for Godot, K S Chalapati Rao and Biswajit Dhar, Alternative Economic Survey, India. , January 2011
- Livelihoods in Agriculture: States, Policies and Prospects, T S Papola, in Sankar Datta and Vipin Sharma (Eds) State of India’s Livelihoods Report 2010: The 4P Reports, Sage Publications, New Delhi, November 2010
- Managing Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case Delhi, Sunanda Sen, Daanish Books, Delhi. Also published as Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No. 630, October 2010
- Capacities and Constraints in Automobile Industry: Changing Vehicular Population in India, Satyaki Roy, in Two decades of Neoliberalism, Alternative Economic Survey, Indian Political Economy Association, Daanish Books, Delhi, pp.179–194, October 2010
- Globalisation, Work and Social Exclusion in India: Evolving an Inclusionary Policy Framework, T S Papola and Alakh N Sharma, in Shashi Moti Lal and Bijayalaxmi Nanda (Eds) Understanding Social Inequality: Concerns of Human Rights, Gender and Environment, Macmillan, October 2010
- Remuneration Differences in the Emerging Economies of China and India, Erhua Iris Zhou, Zhao Lu, Xiaoyan Li, Tian Li, T S Papola, Partha Pratim Sahu, and Jesim Pais, Remuneration Differences in the Emerging Economies of China and India,” International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 360–370, July 2010
- Price Situation in India: A Note Contributed to the Citizens Report on Governance and Development (also known as Social Watch Report), Surajit Mazumdar , Sage Publications, New Delhi, July 2010