Journal Articles

  • FDI in Multi-Brand Retail Trade and the Safeguards, K S Chalapati Rao and Biswajit Dhar, in Alternative Economic Survey 2012-13: Neo-liberal Economic Policies: ‘Gods’ that Failed, Alternative Survey Group, Indian Political Economy Association, Yuva Samvad Prakashan, Delhi, May 2013
  • An Economic Analysis of Demand for Higher Education in India: A Study of Engineering Education in Delhi, Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 311–319, April 2013
  • Expansion of Private Business Space for the Marginalised Social Groups in India: Barriers and Challenges, Partha Pratim Sahu, in S Misra, D Awasthi and G Batthini (Eds) Tenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, Vols. I & II, Bookwell, New Delhi, pp. 557–567, April 2013
  • Employment Growth in the Post-Reforms Period, T S Papola, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, January-March, March 2013
  • Labour and Employment in a Fast Growing Economy, T S Papola, in Alexandre de Frecitas Barbosa and Maria Cristina Cassiamali (Eds) The Dynamic South, Economic Development and Inclusive Growth, Sao Paulo, CEBRAP., March 2013
  • Fiscal Space for Health Spending in South East Asia, Indrani Gupta and Swadhin Mondal, Journal of Health Care Finance, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 68–82, February 2013
  • Currency Concerns: Case of China, Sunanda Sen , Triple Crisis Blog, March 6., February 2013
  • Determinants of Employment Probabilities and Expected Earnings of Engineering Graduates: An Empirical Study in Delhi, India, Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, India,” Journal of Income and Wealth, Vol. 35, No.2, pp. 131–146, January 2013
  • Scenario of Climate Change Research Publication in BASIC Group of Countries, Dinesh Abrol, V K Upadhyay, and Bhim Singh, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 5, pp. 21–36, January 2013
  • Public Financing of Technical Education in India: Issues and Challenges, Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, in Rajiv Kumar and Narendra Kumar (Eds) Higher Education in India, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, January 2013
  • Regional Disparities in Growth and Human Developmen, Satyaki Roy, in Alternative Economic Survey 2012-13: Neo-liberal Economic Policies ‘‘Gods’ that Failed, Alternative Survey Group, Indian Political Economy Association, Yuva Samvad Prakashan, Delhi., January 2013
  • Employment Situation in North Eastern Region of India: Recent Trends and Emerging Challenges, Partha Pratim Sahu, NLI Research Studies Series No. 096/2012, V V Giri National Labour Institute, Noida, October 2012
  • Determinants of Access to Institutional Credit for Small Enterprises in India, Jesim Pais, Yuko Nikaido, and Mandira Sarma, in Takahiro Sato (Ed) The BRICs as Regional Economic Powers in the Global Economy, Comparative Studies on Regional Powers, No. 10, Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University, Japa, August 2012
  • China in the Global Economy: Encountering the Systemic Risks, Sunanda Sen, in Amiya Bagchi and Anthony D’Costa (Eds) Transformaion and Development: The Political Economy of Transition in India and China, Oxford University Press, Delhi., March 2012
  • India and China: The Trade Policy Dynamics, T P Bhat, India Quarterly, Vol. 68, No. 1, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, pp. 69–87, March 2012
  • Economic Growth and Employment and Linkages: The Indian Experience, T S Papola, The Indian Economic Journal, Conference Volume, December, January 2012
  • Vaulting Over India’s Retail FDI Policy Wall, K S Chalapati Rao and Biswajit Dhar, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 47, No. 46, November, pp. 10–13, January 2012
  • Private Investment in ICT Sector of Indian States, Jagannath Mallick, Indian Economic Review, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 33–56, January 2012
  • Private Investment in India: Regional Patterns and Determinant, Jagannath Mallick, Annals of Regional Science, Springer Publication, Vol. 49, No. 3, January 2012
  • National Perspective on Social Science Development in India, T S Papola, in M V Nadkarni and R S Deshpande (Eds) Social Science Research in India: Institutions and Structures, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, pp.137–150, December 2011