About ISID Library
The Institute’s library serves as the resource centre in the field of industrial development and is a gateway to national and global knowledge providing fair access to knowledge and information to as many users as possible. It is an integral part of the institution providing efficient and timely support to the institute’s faculties, researchers, scholars, as well as to policy makers, administrators, and students from all over the country. Over the years, the library has functioned as a target-oriented library on literature related to issues such as industrial and developmental economics, foreign investment, international trade, corporate sector, labour, employment, and related subjects. It has an impressive, mixed collection of both print and electronic resources including books, journals, technical reports, thesis, and other material. Reports of official committees, policy notifications, and other public documents are regularly obtained.

Library’s reference and general collection are organised according to Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). Library automation is being done using KOHA–an open source integrated library management software for library housekeeping operations and technical processing. Now the library is more accessible through its newly created document retrieval system. Users can access the library catalogue through the Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) service inside and outside the institute.
The Library subscribes to the CMIE- Economic Outlook; CMIE- States of India and EPWRF online time series datasets, and has a collection of data sets from the Annual Survey of Industries, National Sample Survey, Census of India, and other government databases. he Institute has also been accessing the (a) e-Databases:) CMIE – Prowess IQ; and IndiaStat (b) Full text e-journals: EconLit; and JSTOR under E-journal consortium of ICSSR-NASSDOC.
All these subscriptions are for internal use but available to outsider faculty and students on special permission and authorisation.
The Library is an active member of DELNET and has been making considerable use of the network’s facilities for inter-library loan, acquiring references, document delivery services, and ascertaining the availability of documents. As part of this network, the library makes its resources available to other participating network members.
The library aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on current issues and developmental policies to meet the needs of the faculty and visiting scholars/researchers from the government, universities and academic institutes, business and industry circles.
Library Timings: Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Facilities & Guidelines
A number of research scholars, activists, students, media persons, faculty members of colleges, universities and others research institutions use the ISID library resources directly, and indirectly through the Institute’s website.
Outsiders are eligible to access the library for reference purposes on production of identity card / introduction letter from their respective Colleges, Universities and Institutes. The Library’s collection, online databases etc. can be accessed through computer workstation provided in the library.