Isha Chawla
Isha Chawla joined ISID in May 2022. Until recently, she worked as an Associate Professor at Lakshmibai College, University of Delhi, where she taught Mathematical Economics and Statistical Methods amongst other papers, and handled several administrative assignments. Previously, Isha has taught at Ramjas College, Shri Ram College of Commerce and Delhi College of Arts and Commerce. She has also worked as Consultant for a short-term project for the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG). Isha has a Ph.D. in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics (DSE). She is recipient of the EXIM Bank of India’s International Economic Research Annual (IERA) Award 2016 and merit scholarship from DSE. Her research interests include foreign direct investment, firm productivity and global value chains. Isha has published in Asia and the Global Economy, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT), Indian Growth and Development Review, Economic and Political Weekly, and contributed a chapter for a Springer volume. She has done referee service for Economic Systems, EMFT and the Indian Economic Review. Isha has given presentations at DSE; NIAS and IIT-B for the Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing; and in training programs at IEG and the Foreign Service Institute (MEA). She has also chaired a group presentation session on Research Methods and Data Analysis in the Faculty Development Programme at Lakshmibai College.
Reseach Interests : Fforeign Direct Investment, Firm Productivity and Global Value Chains
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