Research Seminar on India’s Stalled Path of Structural Transformation: What Went Wrong?
The Institute organised a webinar on “India’s Stalled Path of Structural Transformation: What Went Wrong?” on July 12, 2024. Prof Kunal Sen, Director of UNU-WIDER, made the presentation that focused on India’s experience with structural transformation and its impact on economic growth, highlighting the importance of shifting workers to higher-productivity sectors and examining the challenges in India’s developmental trajectory. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion that included Prof Amit Basole, Head of the Centre for Sustainable Employment at Azim Premji University, Dr Abdul Azeez Erumban from the University of Groningen, Dr Sunandan Ghosh, Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, and Dr Satyaki Roy, Associate Professor at ISID. The webinar was moderated by Prof T C A Anant, Visiting Professor at ISID. The YouTube link to the session is available here.
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Abstract: Structural transformation—the transfer of workers from low-productivity to high-productivity sectors or activities—is a crucial pre-condition of modern economic growth. The speed at which structural transformation takes place differentiates successful countries from unsuccessful ones in economic development. The seminar addresses India’s experience with structural transformation. In spite of rapid economic growth, India is a structurally underdeveloped country. India is an outlier among developing countries in that, construction is the major source of jobs outside of agriculture, not manufacturing and services. Further, the implications of structural underdevelopment for India and what may explain India’s peculiar path of structural transformation will be discussed in detail.