Capacity Building Programme on Issues, Challenges and Prospects for the Indian Industry

The Institute conducted a two-week Capacity Building Programme on “Issues, Challenges, and Prospects for the Indian Industry” for teachers of university departments and colleges from February 16 to March 1, 2022. The programme was coordinated by Dr Anjali Tandon, Associate Professor, ISID. Dr Sanjay Kumar Malik, Assistant Professor, ISID was the co-coordinator of the programme. The programme was sponsored by ICSSR. The programme comprised 36 online sessions designed around six broad themes: (i) Industry Issues: Employment, Markets and Laws, (ii) Growth and Productivity, (iii) Innovation, Investment, and External Sector; (iv) Business Environment and Impact of the COVID Pandemic, (v) Macroeconomic and Development Perspective, Financial Inclusion and Services, and (vi) Methods and Data.

The objective of the programme was to enhance awareness of the young social science faculty on the potential of industrial development in India and the challenges and opportunities it faces. Eminent resource persons from the academia, policy, and government discussed the challenges for India’s industry sector. The speakers covered an array of issues ranging from strategic interventions, employment potential, MSMEs, competition policy, special economic zones, employment policy, productivity, agglomeration, role of industrial robots, issues on financing, global vlaue chains, free trade agreements, world trade, corporate governance issues, regional imbalances, challenges in regulating digital economy, and the impact of COVID on growth. In addition, sector-specific sessions were also part of the programme. Technical sessions were also included to provide exposure and improved understanding relating to select methods, data sources, and software that are increasingly becoming a necessity for active research, and are also being integrated into a more up-to-date teaching curriculum. The programme saw strong participation from faculty members employed with the universities and institutes across the country.


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